
最高學歷 Highest qualification

I like this funny experience of my high school buddy from HK,
it turns out really a good joke:
she works in an agent company to help people to get temporary visa to stay in HK,
she phoned one of the client who is now in mainland China,
and asked the client to send a copy of his highest education certification,
thinking he should have completed his Master education,
at last,
she got a copy of his primary school certification,
she called him again,
and clarified with him,
the guy from mainland China said that,
he got the highest grade in his primary education,
thus he sent the primary certificate!

八號風球 - Eason Chan

High School Buddies Happy Gathering 2015

We organised this gathering two months before,
vegetarian dinner,
we have two VIPs from US,
one VIP from HK,
14 from Macau,
big reunion after last year 's Chinese New Year gathering,
lots of topics to share,
and lots of memories to recall,
time is always to short,
counting the days for next reunion!

Line dance - Time in a bottle

失聯Lost contact

An important person
lost of contact for many hours,
a lot of worrying!





What a wonderful Friday Night!



From Father 's day.....

What a beautiful day,
many people celebrate the big day of father,
I can see many nice wordings and pictures from my friends,
through facebook,
for me,
every Sunday is my father's day,
and as usual,
take my father for Yam Cha in the morning,
at Tou Tou Koi Chinese restaurant,
I waited for the table from 11:30AM,
and could only get the table at 2PM,
because there were so many people,
when we finished the lunch,
it was almost after 3PM.

For the Father's day,
I like one remark made by Shirley,
she said that happy father 's day to all the fathers,
but also,
for those moms,
who are fathers and mothers of the family!

Many nice pictures were posted from my college friends,
among them,
I like the picture from Tim - "father and son"
he was holding hand and walked with his old father,
in a nice country side,
bother of them wore checkered sheet,
he cared for his father 's slow walking in the picture,
as his aged father was with a cane,
his father 's height is only half of Tim's,
I can tell for a son who received America education,
but still remember how to care for his father,
what a lovely son!

Tim was a Hong Kong born citizen,
however,when he was a kid,
their family immigrated to Lexington of KY,
I met him in Berea,
he looked like Asian,
but I wondered he knew little about Chinese/ Hong Kong,
and I only talked with him once in Cantonese,
he could only use simple Chinese when I tried to figure out how good was his Chinese,
he told me he has short memories of old Hong Kong when he was small,
we talked in English,
He was in business major,
and both of us worked in Boone Tavern,
After graduation,
he continued to work in the hotel/restaurant industry.
his wife is American,
I always see his nice family pictures -
with his wife and daughter,
but the first time,
to see his elderly father!


第10名,日本九州 荒尾梨+牛脏锅!
 第9名,天津 张记包子!
第7名,埃及 清炖牛眼!
第5名,韩国济州岛 海水之甜

The Psychology of Price: How to use price to increase demand, profit and customer satisfaction


 Food Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 Extraordinary Places to Eat Around the Globe



  超過20個TOP 10排行榜,世界名店立馬成為你的口袋名單












Jordan Belfort:The Wolf of Wall Street




改善語言能力:德國敏斯特大學(University of Muenster)的研究指出,有運動習慣的人,比完全不動的人學習新單字的速度快上20%,運動也能提升腦部控制多重任務處理、規劃與記憶的能力。








「動」讓您明目:多運動可以降低70%罹患老年性黃斑部病變(age-related macular degeneration)的風險,建議每天至少走1英里,陽光下儘量戴上抗紫外線的太陽眼鏡。




9 Things You Can Do to Be Happy in the Next 30 Minutes

1. Raise your activity level to pump up your energy. If you're on the phone, stand up and pace. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Put more energy into your voice. Take a brisk 10-minute walk. Even better... 

2. Take a walk outside. Research suggests that light stimulates brain chemicals that improve mood. For an extra boost, get your sunlight first thing in the morning.

3. Reach out. Send an e-mail to a friend you haven't seen in a while, or reach out to someone new. Having close bonds with other people is one of the most important keys to happiness. When you act in a friendly way, not only will others feel more friendly toward you, but you'll also strengthen your feelings of friendliness for other people.

4. Rid yourself of a nagging task. Deal with that insurance problem, purchase something you need, or make that long-postponed appointment with the dentist. Crossing an irksome chore off your to-do list will give you a rush of elation.

5. Create a more serene environment. Outer order contributes to inner peace, so spend some time organizing bills and tackling the piles in the kitchen. A large stack of little tasks can feel overwhelming, but often just a few minutes of work can make a sizable dent. Set the timer for 10 minutes and see what you can do.

6. Do a good deed. Introduce two people by e-mail, take a minute to pass along useful information, or deliver some gratifying praise. In fact, you can also...

7. Save someone's life. Sign up to be an organ donor, and remember to tell your family about your decision. Do good, feel good―it really works!

8. Act happy. Fake it 'til you feel it. Research shows that even an artificially induced smile boosts your mood. And if you're smiling, other people will perceive you as being friendlier and more approachable.

9. Learn something new. Think of a subject that you wish you knew more about and spend 15 minutes on the Internet reading about it, or go to a bookstore and buy a book about it. But be honest! Pick a topic that really interests you, not something you think you "should" or "need to" learn about.

Some people worry that wanting to be happier is a selfish goal, but in fact, research shows that happier people are more sociable, likable, healthy, and productive―and they're more inclined to help other people. By working to boost your own happiness, you're making other people happier, too.


Song - 憑著愛




曾踏遍 刺腳的彎路
疲倦了 誰來傾訴
遇過幾多癡情 怎會不知道
但我深知 總有一日 定會找得到最好

憑著愛 我信有出路
憑著愛 情懷不老
在這一刻跟你 終於可擁抱
就算始終 失意倒運 人生已再沒苦惱


憑著愛 我信有出路
憑著愛 情懷不老
在這一刻跟你 終於可擁抱
就算始終 失意倒運 人生已再沒苦惱




Song - Greatest Love Of All

Whitney Houston 

作詞:Michael Masser、Linda Creed
作曲:Linda Creed、Michael Masser

I believe the children are our future,
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be, and so I learned to depend on me

I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow
If I failed, if I succeed, at least I lived as I believed.
No matter what they take from me they can't take away my dignity

Because the greatest love of all is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all inside of me

The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve learning to love yourself,
it is the greatest love of all

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride
To make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadow
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I live as I believed
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity

Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all inside of me

The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself,
It is the greatest love of all

And if by chance that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love.


"富女人味的喱士 花邊和絲質丁字褲已經成為過去?這樣的結論是絕對成立的。「年輕女性向丁字褲說不」是日前New York Times時尚版的頭條,而我們也最近也結束了對於俗稱「阿婆底」的傳統的平腳內褲 和丁字褲喜好的討論。富女人味的喱士 花邊和絲質丁字褲已經成為過去?這樣的結論是絕對成立的。「年輕女性向丁字褲說不」是日前New York Times時尚版的頭條,而我們也最近也結束了對於俗稱「阿婆底」的傳統的平腳內褲 和丁字褲喜好的討論。在New York Times的專題裡作家Hayley Phelan引用了數據指出,去年丁字褲的銷售量下降了7%的同時傳統內褲 上升了17%,這足以證明傳統內褲似乎更受近年女性的青睞。"

應該沒有人想到2015年時會是從牛仔褲或棉褲中露出Calvin Klein 的平腳內褲 吧。

The Band Perry - If I Die Young

A bite of Chongqing - Cold dishes

廣告的真實與謊言 Truth, Lies & Advertising


10 Skills That Are Hard to Learn But Pay Off Forever

1. Time management

Effective time management is one of the most highly valued skills by employers. While there is no one right way, it's important to find a system that works for you and stick to it, Alina Grzegorzewska explains. 
"The hardest thing to learn for me was how to plan," she writes. "Not to execute what I have planned, but to make so epic a to-do list and to schedule it so thoroughly that I'm really capable of completing all the tasks on the scheduled date."

2. Empathy

"You can be the most disciplined, brilliant, and even wealthy individual in the world, but if you don't care for or empathize with other people, then you are basically nothing but a sociopath," writes Kamia Taylor.
Empathy, as business owner Jane Wurdwand explains, is a fundamental human ability that has too readily been forsworn by modern business.
"Empathy — the ability to feel what others feel — is what makes good sales and service people truly great. Empathy as in team spirit — esprit d'corps — motivates people to try harder. Empathy drives employees to push beyond their own apathy, to go bigger, because they feel something bigger than just a paycheck," she writes.

3. Mastering your sleep

There are so many prescribed sleep hacks out there it's often hard to keep track. But regardless of what you choose, establishing a ritual can help ensure you have restful nights.
Numerous studies show that being consistent with your sleep schedule makes it easier to fall asleep and wake up, and it helps promote better sleep in general.

4. Positive self-talk

"Ultimately it doesn't matter what others think of you," writes Shobhit Singhal, "but what you think of yourself certainly does, and it takes time to build that level of confidence and ability to believe in yourself when nobody else does."
On the other side of positive self-talk is negative self-talk, which Betsy Myers, founding director of The Center for Women and Business at Bentley University, believes can slowly chip away at your confidence.

5. Consistency

Whether you're trying a new exercise routine, studying for the LSATs, or working on an important project, Khaleel Syed writes that consistency is vital to maintaining any kind of success.
People often stop working hard when they reach the top, he explains, but to maintain that top position, they have to work harder and be more consistent in their work.

6. Asking for help

"I once was told in a job interview, 'You can't have this job if you can't ask for help when you need it,'" Louise Christy writes. "Naturally, I said I could. Later, I found out that the previous person with that job had screwed up big-time because he was in over his head but couldn't admit it and didn't ask for help."
She explains that knowing when you need help and then asking for it is surprisingly difficult to learn and do because no one wants to be perceived as weak or incompetent.
But a recent study from the Harvard Business School suggests doing so makes you look more, not less, capable. According to the study authors, when you ask people for advice, you validate their intelligence or expertise, which makes you more likely to win them over.

7. Knowing when to shut up — and actually doing it

"You can't go around whining about every other thing that seems not-so-right to you in this world," writes Roshna Nazir. "Sometimes you just need to shut up."
There are many instances when keeping to yourself is the best course. "When we are angry, upset, agitated, or vexed," writes Anwesha Jana, "we blurt out anything and everything that comes to our mind." And later, you tend to regret it.
Keeping your mouth shut when you're agitated is one of the most valuable skills to learn, and of course, one of the most difficult.

8. Listening

Along with shutting up comes listening, says Richard Careaga.
"Most of us in the workplace are so overwhelmed with things to do — instant messaging, phones ringing. I mean, our brain can only tolerate so much information before it snaps," Nicole Lipkin, author of "What Keeps Leaders Up At Night," previously told Business Insider.
One tip for active listening is repeating back what you heard to the other person. "It makes things so much easier when everyone is on the same page," she said.

9. Minding your business

"It takes ages to learn and master this," writes Aarushi Ruddra.
Sticking your nose into other people's work isn't helpful and wastes time and resources, she says. "You have no right to put forth your two or four cents, even if you are the last righteous person standing."

10. Mastering your thoughts

To do what you want to do and accomplish what you want to accomplish, you need to consciously direct your thinking, writes Mark Givert.
"The challenge is that we are the product of our past experience and all of our thinking is the result of this," he says. "However, the past does not equal the future."

Movie - Dark Places

50 Global Entrepreneurs Recommend 50 Books That Forever Impacted Their Lives

This list contains 50 different books from 50 different entrepreneurs in the group from around the world:
1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill -- recommended by Sandile B. Magwaza
2. Start by Jon Acuff -- recommended by Kimberly Edwards LaComba
3. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries -- recommended by Matt Barber
4. Zero to One by Peter Thiel -- recommended by Franklin McCullough
5. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki -- recommended by Mannan Gupta
6. The 100 Dollar Start Up by Chris Guillebeau -- recommended by Nawaz Dangra
7. Produced by Faith by Devon Franklin -- recommended by Say Smith
8. The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind by Gustave LeBon -- recommended by Ingo Behle
9. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey -- recommended by Puna Snamandla Gumede
10. The Pursuit of Happyness by Chris Gardner -- recommended by Vrush SG
11. The Day That Turns Your Life Around by Jim Rohn -- recommended by Paul Kudzaishe Kuona
12. Miss Jessie’s: Creating a Business From Scratch Naturally by Miko Branch
13. Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest In, That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not Do! by Robert Kiyosaki -- recommended by Bek Alcantara
14. The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason -- recommended by Mphezeni Thwala
15. The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss -- recommended by Roxana-Mark Stahl
16. Rework by David Heinemeier and Jason Fried -- recommended by Shan Ru Shaman
17. Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson -- recommended by Marci Pascua
18. Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk -- recommended by Alex Velev
19. Stay Hungry by Rashmi Bansal -- recommended by Shaukat Kotwal
20. The Startup of You by Reid Hoffman -- recommended by Bright Bruce
21. Good to Great by Jim Collins -- recommended by Adetona Abiodun Abdulquadri
22. Entrepreneur Revolution by Daniel Priestley -- recommended by Oliver Woodward
23. Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco -- recommended by Andrew Kingsley
24. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie -- recommended by Niall Kenny
25. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz -- recommended by Marisol Acevedo
26. The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley -- recommended by Mark Whelan
27. The Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom by Georgina Terry -- recommended by Dana Malkenhorst
28. The Education of Millionaires by Michael Ellsberg -- recommended by Oscar Niebla Fuentes
29. The E Myth by Michael E. Gerber -- recommended by Matthew Deem
30. Do You by Russell Simmons -- recommended by Shy Set Apart
31. The Alchemist by Paolo Cohelo -- recommended by Nick Taylor
32. The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill -- recommended by Yoshua Werts-Galloway
33. You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor -- recommended by Golden Gepp
34. The Art of War by Sun Tzu -- recommended by Terri Hayes Leary
35. What the Rich Know and Desperately Want to Keep Secret by Brian Sher -- recommended by Okoro Henry
36. Business at the Speed of Thought by Bill Gates -- recommended by Simphiwe Siflso Hlabisa
37. How to License Your Million Dollar Idea by Harvey Reese -- recommended by Shelly Kochevar
38. Start With Why by Simon Sinek -- recommended by Terry Tsang
39. Creativity, Inc. Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand In the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull -- recommended by Jessica Adams
40. Choose Yourself by James Altucher -- recommended by Tony Williams
41. The Opportunity Analysis Canvas by Dr. James V. Green --recommended by Jamilah Merrick
42. Do Cool Shit by Miki Agrawal -- recommended by Richard Kevin Nesbitt
43. Three Feet From Gold by Sharon Lechter and Craig Reid -- recommended by Ash Schmidt
44. The Obstacle is the Way - the Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph by Ryan Holiday -- recommended by Prabhjot Maan Puar
45. The Everything Store by Brad Stone -- recommended by Arne Giske
46. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham -- recommended by Nilo Frias
47. The One Thing by Gary Keller -- recommended by Caio Amaral
48. The Bible -- recommended S’phiwe Ngubane
49. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield -- recommended by Kelly Jacobson
50. Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill -- recommended by Kyle Scouten

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A tiny dust in the universe.