
" 與CEO對話:駕馭變幻"





馮紹波 香港經濟日報主席
周亦卿 其士國際集團主席
唐華 IBM中國香港總經理
王冬勝 香港上海匯豐銀行執行董事
麥瑞瓊 牛奶公司集團特項零售業務董事
鍾志平 創科實業副主席及執行董事
林煥光 奧運馬術比賽(香港)有限公司行政總裁









轉載: http://www.guangming.com.my/node/35124



雲吞皮焗出千層酥 脆卜卜




First Day of The Chinese New Year of Dragon

S came back from Germany to spend the Chinese New Year Holiday,she wanted to go to Temple,
and did something special for this new year,
as a result,
last night,
we went to "Ma Kok Miu" before 12AM,
this is the place which I didn't go for many years,
as usual, for the first day of the Chinese New Year,
there were a lot of people and a lot of smoke inside,
it reminds me of my childhood and the chinese traditions with my family.

S spent sometime inside the temple and prayed to the Buddha,
then, we brought back good luck, forture and health to home,
through bringing a big burned incense after the ritual offering.

The temperate was very cold, only 7C,
in order to keep the tradition,
take a fortune walk,
we walked along the streets in Macau peninsula,
from Ma Kok, Sai Wan, Nam Wan, Central, Ho Lan Un, Tap Siac,
Lou Kou, Rua Pedro Coutinho, Rua Pereira Xavier, Areia Preta to the Triangle Garden.

It was a really a long walk,
the streets were first full of people to none of the people,
and also no more buses on the streets.

Until the streets were very quite,
almost 2 AM,
we got a taxi back to Central,
and ate our midnight breakfast in a Casino -
the food was very delicious,
we had the fried noodles and the black and purple glutinous rice with coconut juice sweet soup.

By the time home,
it was almost 3AM,
I didn't stay late until the early morning for a long long time,
this is a really special and cold Chinese New Year morning,
with my far away friend,
don't know when will be the next time to meet in future!


Highschool buddies gathering

Last night,
enjoyed the chatting with old friends in coffee shop,
everyone shared his/her updates,
work, family, health.........
I am always interested to learn their stories at work,
as I work in the office,
while my classmates work in different fields,
I can listen stories from tourist industry, restaurant, teaching....

I also like to listen their family stories,
for example, how the kids grow up,
and how they prepare for their future life,
it is really like taking a trip,
we went through some stages and now,
we watch the others go through their trip.





Macau Legal Public Holiday

Have gathering with high school friends last night,
and all of us complain the legal public holiday in Macao,
as it is very difficult to eat outside during the official compulsory holiday.

It is because most of the eating shops close as they have to pay three times daily wages to the staff,
for the ones still open,
the customers have to pay additional 20% or 30% for the regular price.

For the coming three days Chinese New Year Holiday,
it is another difficult time to eat out !!

花藝. 人生





英護士長沙建病童善終院 宣揚「生命質量」 助快樂度餘生

明報專訊】英國一名退休護士金林(Lyn Gould)在湖南長沙創辦了一間病童善終服務機構,照顧身患絕症、壽命只剩半年以下的小童。她強調關注「生命的質量」而非「生命的長度」,病童在這裏接受專業護理,義工每天擁抱、親吻和讚揚他們,讓他們在快樂中度過餘生。








Song - 人在旅途灑淚時


(女):明白世途多麼險阻 令你此時三心兩意
(男):看遠路 正漫漫 誰謂切擇最容易
(女):前路渺茫請君三思 問你可曾心生悔意
(男):要退後 也很遲 人在旅途灑淚時
* (女):淚已流
(女):心中有約誓 永難移 *
(女):人在這時怎麼啟齒 萬言千語怎表愛意
(男):看夕陽 正艷紅 誰料正是哭別時
Repeat * # # #

Song - 愛在深秋


如果情是永恆不朽 怎會分手
* 以後讓我倚在深秋 回憶逝去的愛在心頭
回憶在忘記中的我 今天曾淚流
請抬頭 抹去舊事 不必有我
不必有你 愛是可發不可收
你是可愛到永遠 我是真心捨不得你走
有是站你倚在深秋 回憶別去的愛在心頭
回憶在這一刻的你 也曾淚流


Lemon Cheesecake (No Bake!)

Elegant No-Bake Cheesecake


私家廚房: 椰汁紅豆糕



歌曲歌手 歌曲歌手
海闊天空 Beyond Monica 張國榮
漣漪 陳百強 人在旅途灑淚時關正傑 / 雷安娜
每天愛妳多一些張學友 愛在深秋 譚詠麟
似水流年梅艷芳 沉默是金許冠傑 / 張國榮
分分鐘需要你林子祥 上海灘


Superfreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance

Levitt, Steven D./ Dubner, Stephen J. , Harpercollins ,2010


Checked out this book from the library, can't stop the reading, interesting stories........


Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang is leaving Yahoo.


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang is leaving the struggling Internet company, as it tries to revive its revenue growth and win over disgruntled shareholders under a new leader.

The departure, announced Tuesday, punctuates the end of an era at Yahoo, a tarnished Internet icon that has spent much of the last decade scrambling to catch up to Internet search leader Google Inc. — a company that got early encouragement and advice from Yang. It comes just two weeks after Yahoo Inc. hired former PayPal executive Scott Thompson as its CEO.

Thompson is the fourth CEO in less than five years to try to turn around Yahoo. It's a daunting assignment that Yang was unable to pull off during his own tumultuous 18-month reign as the company's CEO in 2007 and 2008.

Yang, 43, endorsed Thompson in his resignation from Yahoo's board of directors. He had been on Yahoo's board since the company's 1995 inception.

"My time at Yahoo, from its founding to the present, has encompassed some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of my life," Yang wrote in a letter to Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock. "However, the time has come for me to pursue other interests outside of Yahoo."

High School Classmate Reunion 2012.1.15

we had the reunion,
not all the people showed up,
(we should have at least 33 classmates in our final year)
as S said,
only two reasons -
whether someone is interested or whether he/she has time,
as a result,
we just looked for the classmates' support.

This time,
we had two special classmates - E from US, S from Germany,
altogether we had 14 students, and 4 wonderful teachers,
even though we live in Macao,
it is really difficult to see them all in one place at one time,
nice gathering.

I ordered some food (fish, meat, noodles, rice) in advance,
we also bought turnip cakes, sticky rice with chicken, Indonesia sweet layer cake,
S made Italian noodles, two salads, one dessert,..
S also brought us German Chocolates, German Ginger biscuits, a bottle of German Winter Wine,
K also made a pudding,
In 's maids made three Indonesia delicious dishes - very very special chicken rice, Salad with special source...
M also bought one dish....
Ms. Tang bought us a bottle of  Japanese plum wine
it ended up we had plenty of food,
after we finished the eating,
we still had plenty of food on the table.
As a result,
at the end of the party,
most of us could also bring home the delicious food, their choice.

Though the place is small,
and we had 18 people,
we really had very wonderful moments to share our updates.
I was very happy to see our teachers in the party,
as it seemed that they were also excited to meet each other in this occasion.

To conclude, very nice gathering, and I appreciate all the classmates' support!

Can Opener

After the grocery shopping in the afternoon,
on Saturday night,
we started to prepare some dishes for Sunday's party.

Until that moment,
we realised that we had 4 cans of food on hand
but we didn't have the can opener.

I started to brain storm how to solve this problem,
went home to bring the can opener to the location,
called and borrowed one from E's  mom , who lives closed by,
called someone else,
S was the one who came up the idea of -
borrowing the can opener from the restaurant across the street,
at first,
I really had hesitation of doing this,
since like most of the Chinese,
it seemed to me it is very strange to bother the other people,
especially the restaurant was doing business.

I agreed so,
because, if we never tried,
we never knew that the people in the restaurant didn't mind to help,
and we could save a lot of time.

Though K seemed didn't agree K and I 's action,
two of us took our cans and went straight to the restaurant,
we made it,
the man in the restaurant was very nice,
not only let us use the can opener,
but also helped us to open all the cans!

I can conclude that,
if we don't take action,
we never know that there are nice people around.


Security Guard

Monday night,
M raised a question to me,
why most of the security guards in Macau are non-Chinese,
this is a very good question!


S,K,E,M 我等五人同到某餐廳晚飯,



侍者水準不高,我們有美國人,德國人,對話是明珠台,點菜時用廣東話,侍者只能用普通話溝通, E點菜時不能和他溝通,後來才換了另一位廣東話侍者,不過態度一般.


很高貴的茶壺竟然有兩處裂口, 我以為自己在茶餐廳









Song - From a distance

From a distance the world looks blue and green
And the snow capped mountains white
From a distance the ocean meets the stream
And the eagle takes to flight

From a distance, there is harmony
And it echoes through the land
It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace
It's the voice of every man

From a distance we all have enough
And no one is in need
And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease
No hungry mouths to feed

From a distance we are instruments
Marching in a common band
Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace
They're the songs of every man

God is watching us, God is watching us
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/bette-midler-lyrics/from-a-distance-lyrics.html ]
God is watching us from a distance

From a distance you look like my friend
Even though we are at war
From a distance I just cannot comprehend
What all this fighting is for

From a distance there is harmony
And it echoes through the land
And it's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves
It's the heart of every man
(Every man)

It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves
This is the song of every man

And God is watching us, God is watching us
God is watching us from a distance
Oh, God is watching us, God is watching
God is watching us from a distance





Great Quotes

A women's work is never at an end 婦女的活永遠做不完
The highest art is to conceal art 最高的藝術就是不露藝術
Every advantage has its disadvantage 有利必有弊
A everybody's business is nobody' business 人人又有責等於人人沒責
A good beginning is half done 好的開端是成功的一半
All rivers run into the sea 百川入海
Fool's haste is no speed 欲速則不達
Every man has his weak side 人人都有弱點
A man can do no more than he can 凡事只能量力而行
If you want knowledge, you must toil for it若要求知識,必須刻苦學習
History repeats itself 歷史往往重演
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself我們唯一需要害怕的只是害怕本身
It is easier to pull down than build 敗事容易成事難
Business sweetens pleasure and labour sweetens rest工作後消遣更愉快,勞動後休息更舒暢
Put the cart before the horse 本末倒置
Every heart has its own sorrow 各人有各人的苦惱
All time is no time when it is past 光陰一去不復返
Offence is the best defense 進攻是最好的防守
Every man is the architect of his own fortune自己的命運由自己掌握
Science is organized knowledge 科學是系統化的知識
Health dose not consist with intemperance 健康和放縱,兩者不相容
One never loses anything by politeness 講禮貌不吃虧
Children are what the mothers are 耳濡目染,身教言傳
Learn young ,learn fair 學習要趁早,即學就學好
Youth means limitless possibilities 年輕意味著無限希望
The World is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down 世界如階梯,有人上有人下
The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up水能載舟亦能覆舟
You cannot make a crab walk straight 江山易改本性難移
A man can not spin and reel at the same time 一心不能兩用
Keep good men company and you shall be of the number 進朱者赤,近墨者黑
A bad workman always blames his tools 不會撐船的怪河彎
Well begun is half done 良好的開端,成功地一半
The remedy is worse than disease 醫療不得法使病更糟糕
A single flower dose not make a spring 一花獨放不是春,百花齊放春滿園
The more alternatives the more difficult the choice選擇越多越難選擇
There is a skeleton in every house 每座房子都有骨架
He who despises small things seldom grows rich 小餓不計,大惡不聚
Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success 自信是走向成功的一半
A fox may grow gray ,but never good 江山易改本性難移
The word once spoken can never be realled 一言既出駟馬難追
Think today and speak tomorrow 三思而後行
Wealth is nothing without health 健康是最重要的財富
Out of debt out of danger 無債一身輕
To know everything is to nothing 事事皆知,事事不懂
Good words and ill deeds deceive wise men and fools 話還行為劣,欺騙智和愚
Adversity leads to properity 窮則思變
Where there is life there is hope 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒
Liberty is not licence 自由不是放縱
Man will conquer nature 人定勝天
That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remember 艱難的經歷,甜美的回憶
Knowledge makes humble ignorance makes proud 博學使人謙遜,無知使人驕傲
Time works wonders 時間可以創造奇蹟
Goven your thoughts when alone and your tongue when in company 一個人獨處慎於思,與人相處慎於言
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing 一知半解自欺欺人
Tall tr​​ees catch much wind 樹大招風
There is life in the old yet 老大益壯
You never know what you can do till you try 事非經過不知難
Give a dog a bad name and hang him 眾口鑠金,積毀銷骨
Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth 良藥苦口利於病
Great minds think alike 英雄所見略同
Education has for its object the formation of character 教育的目的在於培養品德
It is the unforeseen that always happens 天有不測​​風雲人有旦夕禍福
Lies can never change fact 謊言終究是謊言
That is not good language which all understand not 不是人人都懂得語言不是好的語言
Diligence is the mother of success 勤奮是成功之母
Pleasure comes through toil 苦盡甘來
Hope for the best but prepare for the worst 抱最好的願望,做最壞的打算
Don't put off tomorrow what should be done today 今日事今日畢
Faith will move mountains 精誠所至金石為開
Great hopes make great man 偉大的抱負造就偉大的人
One boy is a boy ,two boys half a boy, three boys no boy 一個和尚挑水喝,兩個和尚抬水喝,三個和尚沒水
What is done by night appears by day 若要人不知除非己莫為
What is sculpture is to a block of marble ,education is to the soul教育之於心靈,猶如雕刻之於大理石
He who makes no mistakes makes nothing事事都是對的人是成不了大事的
A young idler ,a old beggar 少壯不努力老大徒傷悲
Use is a second nature 習慣成自然
You must reap what you have sown 種瓜得瓜種豆得豆
Actions speak louder than words 事實勝於雄辯
Business is the salt of life 事業是人生的第一需要
Words are but wind 耳聞不如一見
What we do willingly is easy 世上無難事,只怕肯登攀
Failure is the mother of success 失敗是成功之母
Happiness takes no account of time 快樂不覺得時光過
What we lose in hake we shall have in herring失之東隅,收之桑榆
Whatever a man sow ,that shall he also reap種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆
A rolling stone gathers no moss 滾石不生苔,轉業不聚財
The early bird catches the worm 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃
Circumstances are the rulers of the weak, instrument of the wise弱者困於環境,智者利用環境
Constant dropping wears away a stone 滴水穿石
While the priest climbs a post, the devil climbs ten道高一尺魔高一丈
It is a great art to laugh at your own misfortune對自己的不幸付之一笑,這是一門偉大的藝術
He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick欲加之罪,何患無辭
Marriage makes or mars a man 婚姻能成全人也能損害人
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure預防為主治療為輔
If you sell the cow, you sell her milk too 殺雞取卵
Mills of god grind slowly but sure 天網恢恢疏而不漏
Touch pitch and you will be defiled 近朱者赤近墨者黑
Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it鷸蚌相爭漁翁得利
Rome is not built in a day 冰凍三尺非一日之寒
Better wear out shoes than sheets寧可經常運動穿破鞋子,也不因病常臥磨破床單
Birds of a feather flock together 物以類聚人以群分
Far water does not put out near fire 遠水救不了近火
Good health is over wealth 健康是最大的財富
By falling we learn to go safely 吃一塹長一智
Where there is life there is hope 留得青山在不怕沒柴燒
Jack of all tr​​ades and master of none 門門精通樣樣稀鬆
Friends agree best at distance 朋友之間也會保持距離
While the grows the horse starves 遠水救不了近火
You cannot clap with one hand 孤掌難鳴
He who does not advance loses ground 逆水行舟不進則退
It takes three generations to make a gentlemen 十年樹木百年樹人
Nothing is difficult to a man who wills 世上無難事,只怕有心人
Hunger breaks stone wall 飢餓不饒人
It is the first step that costs troublesome 萬事開頭難
Even homer sometimes nods 智者千慮,必有一失
A lazy youth ,a lousy age 少壯不努力老大徒傷悲
Children are the parent's riches 子女是父母的財富
He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first自嘲者不會讓人見笑
The devil sometimes speaks the truth 魔鬼有時也講真話
By others' faults ,wise men correct their own 他山之石可以攻玉
Don't cross the bridge till you get to it 不要杞人憂天
Content is better than riches 知足者常樂
Creep before you walk 循序漸進
Learn young learn fair 學習要趁早既學就要學好
A good book is a light to the soul 好書一本照亮心靈
Prevention is better than cure 預防勝於治療
Like father like son 有其父必有其子
Health is happiness 健康是福
A close mouth catches no flies 病從口入
A sound mind is in a sound body 健全的精神寓於健康的身體
Come what may ,heaven won't fall 船到橋頭自然直
Good children make glad parents 孩子好父母笑
Virtue is fairer far than beauty 美德遠勝於美貌
An apple a day keeps the doctor away 一天一個大蘋果不用醫生來看我
He knows most who speaks least 大智者寡於言
He who risks nothing gains nothing 不入虎穴焉得虎子
The miracle is this ,the more we share the more we have神奇的是我們分享的越多,擁有的越多
There is kindness to be found everywhere 人間處處有溫情
He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning恥於問者恥於學
In all things ,it is better to hope than to despair 凡事抱有希望為佳,不應悲觀失望
Judge not from appearances 人不可貌相海不可斗量
One false move may lose the game 一招不慎滿盤皆輸
In books .are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages歷代的偉大的思想家都摘載入史冊而不朽
In time of peace prepare for war 居安思危
A mother's love never changes 母愛永恆
Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother經驗是智慧之父,記憶是智慧之母
Money can buy the devil himself 有錢能使鬼推磨
True friendship is a plant of slow growth 真正的友誼像是生長緩慢的植物
Seek the truth from facts 實事求是
Every potter praises his pot 王婆賣瓜自賣自誇
A close mouth catches no flies 病從口入,禍從口出
Good counsel never comes amiss 忠言有利無害
The leopard cannot change its spots 本性難移
Great trees are good for nothing but shade 大樹底下好乘涼
He is truly happy who makes others happy 真正幸福的使人幸福的人
The weakest goes to the wall 適者生存
Take things as they come 隨遇而安
You may know by a handful the whole sack 由一斑可知全貌

Source: Baidu

Movie - Little Women


生活中最大的幸福是堅信有人愛我們 !


How will I know when I'm in love?

How will I know when I'm in love?

If you are a woman:
  • You will experience feelings of excitement, joy and desire.
  • You will place the other person's happiness above your own.
  • Your friends will hate you.

If you are a man:
  • Your wallet will be lighter.
  • You will hit things less.
  • You will no longer be fun.

If you are a robot:
  • You cannot feel love. Proceed to repair bay to correct this anomaly.

Read more: Love | Cracked.com http://www.cracked.com/funny-4050-love/#ixzz1jFh4VXbJ

High school class teacher Mr. Sam

As we are organising a reunion this Sunday,
I tried my best to contact all the buddies as well as our dearest teachers.
I met Ms. Cheong accidentally on the street the other night,
and invited her to join,
by the time,
I also expressed that we were finding Mr. Sam,
one of our class teachers,
she told me that she could help as she knew someone,
who used to work with Mr. Sam together in University of Macua.

Today, Ms. Cheong called me,
giving me the news that Mr. Sam has passed away for few years.

I felt very sorry that we didn't know this until now.
We once in a while talked about Mr. Sam,
and wondered how he was doing,
we though he might have immigrated to Singapore.
We just knew he was very old,
but didn't take the action to visit him,
especially after his retirement.

He was a very nice guy,
he taught us history and was our class-teacher (Senior 1)
Before he came to Macau,
he was a professor of the University of  Lan Chau in China,
he was very knowledgeable and made our history classes very interesting.

He was a tall gentleman,
he always spoke slowly and walked gently,
and his action was very eloquent.

He gave a lot of freedom and respect to us,
just the first year high school kids,
we could vote, choose or decide when the majority agreed,
including the election of our prefects, our Christmas party......
which were quite different with the other class-teachers.

I was a quiet student,
but I remember well that
though I could survive with the other tough Math classes.
the only time I failed my exam during my high school was his history in Senior 1,

I knew I don't like history at all,
as I hate to remember things,
only Math, English and Biology were my favorite subjects.
even though I needed to attend evening Portuguese classes and do housework at home,
I did study hard for all the subjects,
I learned from a careless mistake,
for the exam schedule,
I copied the wrong date for the subjects -
instead of preparing for the History exam,
I studied Geology for that date.

As a result,
when I got the exam paper,
I was totally emptied.

I still appreciated Mr. Sam,
he gave me 50+ for the grade,
I knew I could not answer most of the questions at all.

For the next exam day,
I needed not to study Geology very hard,
as I have prepared already,
but the cost was very high.

I felt very bad,
as I was the "prefect" of the class,
but I failed in his class.

Mistake is mistake,
we make mistake sometimes in life,
one mistake couldn't ruin our whole life,
we can still survive,
I learned it.

After our graduation,
we still kept contact with Mr. Sam,
and he started to teach in University of Macau,
then, we lost our contact,
we miss him,
and wish him peace in heaven!


不恥下問 Be modest enough to ask and learn

Friends are like mirrors,
sometimes whenever I go out with friends,
especially in the restaurants or shops,
I like and encourage my friends to ask and clarify,
as my French classmate E does,
so do I.
I think it is consumers' right,
and also we can learn something new.

Last night,
when we were in the restaurant,
we ordered a tea pot of hot drink,
shared by two persons,
S wondered why the tea set included two different combinations,
one tea cup and one mug,
they looked very nice,
but strange,
she asked me the reason,
I really didn't know,
we started to guess......
thus, we asked the waitress,
we got the reason -
there are not enough tea-sets in the restaurant,
thus they can provide one tea-pot with one set of tea cup,
for the additional person to share with the drink,
they can only provide a mug,
I immediately understood,
for everything there is reason,
and I can also learn the wisdom of the management.

By the way,
this restaurant charges medium price of the food,
it also emphases comfortable and fashionable,
I didn't understand why they use the broken plates!



美味, 方便,


Dinner at "Canteen"

F told me that she has several canteens
where she goes to eat very often with friends and colleagues,
I don't like to go to the same restaurants very often,
as I prefer to go new places to explore more exciting food,
or I would like to try new dishes.

went out dinner with family,
and at the same Chinese Restaurant,
I can recite most of the dishes,
and also,
standard food at standard expectation.

I sometimes dream to be a cook,
and be a creative cook,
to cook a lot of fusion dishes,
and in special and fresh ingredients!

@ Cafe Eskimo

S wanted to meet old schoolmates,and it was very difficult to find V out,
at last,
we agreed to meet at Cafe Eskimo after 9:30.

On the way,
S and I met our high school teacher,
which was really a surprise to me,
I though she hasn't received our notice,
and she told me she just replied me.

As usual,
V was late,
perhaps he is a teacher,
he knows a lot about the teens,
he shared his updates and some of his travelling news.

Even though after dinner time,
almost all the tables were occupied,
the inside air was better than expected as no more smoking,
I discovered that the filthy words were everywhere,
not only from the guys,
but also from the young girls.

V said that the place is more comfortable,
but S and I didn't agree,
the food was so so,
we had the special tangerine honey drink, fried rice (in curry favor) and the fresh vegetables.

As suggested by teacher V,
we had passed the dinner time,
we should not eat too much before sleep
as a result,
I had only a half dinner!!!!

By the way,
he paid the bill,
thanks for the late dinner.


Speechness Working Day

Busy...busy ..busy,
I realise that I didn't talk at all with my colleagues today at work,
just  communicate with my words, excel and charts............
almost close to the tunnel,
and get the job done,
what a work day!


Some of Stephen Hawking's best quotes:

  • On the reason why the universe exists: "If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason - for then we would know the mind of God" - A Brief History Of Time, published 1988.
  • On being diagnosed with motor neurone disease: "My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus" - Interview in The New York Times, December 2004.
  • On black holes: "Einstein was wrong when he said, 'God does not play dice'. Consideration of black holes suggests, not only that God does play dice, but that he sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can't be seen" - The Nature Of Space And Time, published 1996.
  • On UFOs: "I am discounting reports of UFOs. Why would they appear only to cranks and weirdos? - As quoted in a TED talk, "Asking big questions about the universe"
  • On commercial success: "I want my books sold on airport bookstalls" - Interview in The New York Times, December 2004.
  • On fame: "The downside of my celebrity is that I cannot go anywhere in the world without being recognised. It is not enough for me to wear dark sunglasses and a wig. The wheelchair gives me away" - Interview on Israeli TV, December 2006.
  • On humanity: We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. - Der Spiegel October 1988
  • On his IQ: I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers". - Interview with Deborah Solomon "The Science of Second-Guessing", The New York Times December 2004
  • On Euthanasia: The victim should have the right to end his life, if he wants. But I think it would be a great mistake. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there's life, there is hope." - Quoted in People's Daily Online June 2006

Song - 至少還有你

詞:林夕 曲:Davy Chan

我怕來不及 我要抱著你
直到感覺你的皺紋 有了歲月的痕跡
直到肯定你是真的 直到失去力氣
為了你 我願意

動也不能動 也要看著你
直到感覺你的髮線 有了白雪的痕跡
直到視線變得模糊 直到不能呼吸
讓我們 形影不離

*如果 全世界我也可以放棄
至少還有你 值得我去珍惜
而你在這裡 就是生命的奇蹟
也許 全世界我也可以忘記
就是不願意 失去你的消息
你掌心的痣 我總記得在那裡

我怕來不及 我要抱著你
直到感覺你的髮線 有了白雪的痕跡
直到視線變得模糊 直到不能呼吸
讓我們 形影不離

重唱 *

我們好不容易 我們身不由己
我怕時間太快 不夠將你看仔細
我怕時間太慢 日夜擔心失去你
恨不得一夜之間白頭 永不分離

重唱 *


Song - 愛如潮水

不問你為何流眼淚 不在乎你心裡還有誰
且讓我給妳安慰 不論結局是喜是悲
走過千山萬水 在我心裡你永遠是那麼美

既然愛了 就不後悔(就無怨無悔) 再多的苦我也願意背
我的愛如潮水 愛如潮水將我向妳推 緊緊跟隨

我再也不願見妳在深夜裡買醉 不願別的男人見識妳的嫵媚
妳該知道這樣會讓我心碎 答應我妳從此不在深夜裡徘徊
不要輕易嚐試放縱的滋味 妳可知道這樣會讓我

Song - 鳥籠

作曲:Calle Kindbom/Linda Holberg/Mats Johansson
編曲:John Laudon

我困於溫室中 你那掌心之中

以我絲絲青春 對抗呼呼北風

成長需要過程 危機估計之中
如果真的比較蠢 即管跌碰
容許衝破鳥籠 遊走險惡天空
如果真的想我好 隨心的放縱

我枉花光陰 我也想追風箏

對你感激的心 永遠這麼衷心

Repeat *

少年 長滿這羽毛
我要走我旅途 趁時間早

縱使管教到最好 成長不會輕鬆
人海規則不太懂 一天會懂
容許衝破鳥籠  容許我發夢
成長方式幾百種 還懇請你信

Song - 石頭記

看遍了冷冷清風吹飄雪 漸厚
鞋踏破 路濕透
再看遍遠遠青山吹飛絮 弱柳
曾獨醉 病消瘦
聽遍那渺渺世間輕飄送 樂韻
人獨舞 亂衣鬢


絲絲點點計算 偏偏相差太遠
兜兜轉轉 化在段段塵緣
紛紛擾擾作嫁 春宵戀戀變卦
真真假假 悉悲歡恩怨原是詐


路在口邊? 口在路邊?

























我仍然可繼續「口在路邊」, whenever it is necessary!

Chunyun starts 春運


Beijing: Millions of migrant workers started heading back to their villages in China to celebrate the Chinese New Year clogging virtually every means of transport all over the country, in what is often billed as the world's biggest annual human migration.

The peak travel season kicked off on Sunday as tens of millions of passengers, mainly migrant workers and students, set off on the move to celebrate the Spring Festival that marks the Chinese Lunar New Year.

The week-long festival falls on January 23 this year and
Chinese all  over the country and world rush to their native places for family reunions.

A total of 3.16 billion passenger trips are expected during the 40-day peak travel season, or Chunyun (Spring transportation) in Chinese, up 9.1 percent from a year earlier, according to the National Development and Reform Commission.

The rush is mainly generated by China's famed migrant labourers, roughly numbering about 400 million who en masse set off every year for holiday to be with their families in the villages for about a month.

More airlines, trains and bus services have been added to cope with the passenger surge.

Except for the temporary trains, more high-speed trains have been put into operation for the Spring Festival.

Chunyun also referred to as the Spring Festival travel season or the Chunyun period, is a period of travel in China with extremely high traffic load around the time of the Chinese New Year. The period usually begins 15 days before the Lunar New Year's Day and lasts for around 40 days. The number of passenger journeys during the Chunyun period has exceeded the population of China, hitting over 2 billion in 2008.[1] It has been called the largest annual human migration in the world. Rail transport experiences the biggest challenge during the period, and myriad social problems have emerged.

source: wiki

Smoking in Macau

Sunday time,
family Yam Cha time,
I usually hesitate to have Yam Cha for two reasons -
one reason is I don't like to waste time to wait for the table,
the other reason is I hate the environment,
as many people smoked in the restaurants.

This morning,
in the Chinese restaurant,
within my sight,
I could not see any smokers in the restaurant,
I hope that this practice can keep on,
as sometimes,
after a while,
people just like to break the law in Macau!

At the same time,
after January 1,
I just feel that there are more people smoke in the streets,
no matter in a corner or walking everywhere,
that means,
I am still forced to have a second-hand smoker in the narrow streets.

Eating in Gongbai

S came back for vacation,
after getting her renewed homecoming card to China,
we made a short trip to Gongbai in late Saturday evening,
the custom was not as crowded as I expected.

She didn't like the underground mall as it was full of people,
thus we took a walk to the Lotus Street,
by the time,
we decided to have an early dinner,
we tried to identify places for food,
and at that time,
we saw the "Gongbai Sio Long Bao Restaurant",
which was a very old restaurant for long time in that area,
it used to be crowded with a lot of people,
in memory,
the Sio Long Bao was very delicious.
As all of us haven't eaten there for long time,
thus, we walked in the restaurant for our dinner.

we were a little bit disappointed of the food,
even though the Sio Long Bao,
it was not as good as expected,
the other dishes we ordered included
Spicy Deep Fried Spare Ribs (椒鹽排骨)
Pork Belly with Sweet Pickled Vegetables (梅菜扣肉).
Fried Squid with Broccoli( 西蘭花炒鮮魷 )
all of them were only so so.

It is true that many friends said that,
it is better to eat in Macau now,
rather than in Gongbai,
I agree!!




連勝風行TEL:2836 7625

安多利美食TEL: 2832 2306

滋味滿屋 TEL: 2878 5566

Flower arrangement - lesson one







Economist and columnist Richard Vedder says Berea College is "hard to beat"



"................................The student went on to a successful military career and like many others, owed much of her success to the fine training at Berea. Berea is essentially free to students–with a catch: They have to work in college facilities, lowering the cost of offering the education. The school uses its considerable endowment to lower costs to students, not shower resources on the other major claimants of resources within the college community–faculty, administrators, alumni wanting fancy athletic facilities, etc. They have been single minded in their devotion to an affordable education of high quality for lower-income students–and have been quite successful. In terms of “bang for the buck,” Berea is hard to beat."

I am proud of Berea as I am also a Berean!






"  琦君的名子幾乎就是現代散文的代稱。他的作品跨越時空,隨手翻閱,都是感人熱淚,令人發笑的溫馨故事,而他筆下的人物更是栩栩如生,永不退色,所有中國人都愛讀。








17歲數學迷論文登國際期刊 博士級質數研究 創中學生先河

明報專訊】艱澀的數學理論並非所有熱愛科學者都吃得消,但年僅17歲的中六學生盧安迪,越級挑戰博士程度的質數研究,半年前更獲知名數學期刊《現代數學國際期刊》(International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences)認可刊登,成為全港首位以個人身分發表研究成果的中學生。安迪在多個國際考試中考獲數理滿分,上月中更獲美國著名學府普林斯頓大學取錄,他說希望終生奉獻科研,以科學帶領人類文明進步。

國際試滿分 普林斯頓取錄

Menu do Jantar

Gosto muito de ler o menu do jantar,
acho que é uma maneira de aprender a língua.........
Menu do Jantar
Leitão inteiro assado
Camarões no forno com massa
Cubos de abalone com inhame frito
Ostras estufadas com língua de porco e algas
Sopa de barbatana de tubarão com galinha
Garoupa-gigante em Banho-Maria
Galinha assada
Patas de ganho guisadas com cogumelos
Arroz glutinoso com carne e chouriço fumados
Sopa e massa com ravióis chineses (Wanton)
Canja de feijão vermelho com bolinhas de
farinha de arroz glutinoso
Fruta variada

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A tiny dust in the universe.