



「細 食?加碼?扣底?」首次聽到這些要求,一定會對該客人「黑面」。雖說「客人永遠是對的」,但是心裡始終會不忿。仁兄,先別動氣,錯怪好人。「細食」與「加 碼」同是食物,前者指「淨雲吞」,後者是「叉燒」。而「扣底」則與另一個術語「加底」相對,表示增加或減少飯或麵等本來的份量。

「我 要靚仔、米皇、的大石、細腩白底……」對術語不清楚的人,一定覺得這客人在搗亂!細蓉就聽得多,出自唐代詩人白居易的《長恨歌》:「芙蓉如面柳如眉」,指 的是「麵」。至於「細腩白底」,是指牛腩河。「白底」即河粉,取其顏色潔白的意思。如果不想吃粉麵,可以吃「靚仔」或者「米皇」。「靚仔」其實解作白飯, 而「米皇」則是「白粥」,當中是經歷數個轉折而演變而來的。要「的大石」不是真的想測試自己的牙有多硬,而是想要香軟的「鬆糕」!



1. 靚仔毁容-白飯加豉油
2. 亂棍打死牛魔王-豆角炒牛肉
3. 食白粉-雲吞粉
4. 206-熱檸樂
5. 肥妹-朱古力
6. 甩色-檸水
7. 阿珍-紅豆沙
8. 海水-綠豆沙
9. 印度-芝麻糊
10. 師傅-味精
11. 艇仔-湯匙
12. 照鏡-將食物食光
13. 開嚟唔開胃-淨飲




After a long process of annoying communication,
hope that it comes to end,
also I have really learned a big lesson,
from a mean, selfish and not honest person.

Let me celebrate the beautiful and peaceful time ahead!


Line Dance - You 're not the boss of me

Line Dance - Oh! Let it be!

6 Habits of Highly Grateful People

--by Jeremy Adam Smith, syndicated from Greater Good,


1. Once in a while, they think about death and loss
Didn’t see that one coming, did you? I’m not just being perverse—contemplating endings really does make you more grateful for the life you currently have, according to several studies.
For example, when Araceli Friasa and colleagues asked people to visualize their own deaths, their gratitude measurably increased. Similarly, when Minkyung Koo and colleagues asked people to envision the sudden disappearance of their romantic partners from their lives, they became more grateful to their partners. The same goes for imagining that some positive event, like a job promotion, never happened.
This isn’t just theoretical: When you find yourself taking a good thing for granted, try giving it up for a little while. Researchers Jordi Quoidbach and Elizabeth Dunn had 55 people eat a piece of chocolate—and then the researchers told some of those people to resist chocolate for a week and others to binge on chocolate if they wanted. They left a third group to their own devices.
Guess who ended up happiest, according to self-reports? The people who abstained from chocolate. And who were the least happy? The people who binged. That’s the power of gratitude!

2. They take the time to smell the roses
And they also smell the coffee, the bread baking in the oven, the aroma of a new car—whatever gives them pleasure.
Loyola University psychologist Fred Bryant finds that savoring positive experiences makes them stickier in your brain, and increases their benefits to your psyche—and the key, he argues, is expressing gratitude for the experience. That’s one of the ways appreciation and gratitude go hand in hand.
You might also consider adding some little ritual to how you experience the pleasures of the body: A study published this year in Psychological Science finds that rituals like prayer or even just shaking a sugar packet “make people pay more attention to food, and paying attention makes food taste better,” as Emily Nauman reports in her Greater Good article about the research.
This brand of mindfulness makes intuitive sense—but how does it work with the first habit above?
Well, we humans are astoundingly adaptive creatures, and we will adapt even to the good things. When we do, their subjective value starts to drop; we start to take them for granted. That’s the point at which we might give them up for a while—be it chocolate, sex, or even something like sunlight—and then take the time to really savor them when we allow them back into our lives.
That goes for people, too, and that goes back to the first habit: If you’re taking someone for granted, take a step back—and imagine your life without them. Then try savoring their presence, just like you would a rose. Or a new car. Whatever! The point is, absence may just make the heart grow grateful.

3. They take the good things as gifts, not birthrights
What’s the opposite of gratitude? Entitlement—the attitude that people owe you something just because you’re so very special.
“In all its manifestations, a preoccupation with the self can cause us to forget our benefits and our benefactors or to feel that we are owed things from others and therefore have no reason to feel thankful,” writes Robert Emmons, co-director of the GGSC’s Gratitude project. “Counting blessings will be ineffective because grievances will always outnumber gifts.”
The antidote to entitlement, argues Emmons, is to see that we did not create ourselves—we were created, if not by evolution, then by God; or if not by God, then by our parents. Likewise, we are never truly self-sufficient. Humans need other people to grow our food and heal our injuries; we need love, and for that we need family, partners, friends, and pets.
“Seeing with grateful eyes requires that we see the web of interconnection in which we alternate between being givers and receivers,” writes Emmons. “The humble person says that life is a gift to be grateful for, not a right to be claimed.”

4. They’re grateful to people, not just things
At the start of this piece, I mentioned gratitude for sunlight and trees. That’s great for me—and it may have good effects, like leading me to think about my impact on the environment—but the trees just don’t care. Likewise, the sun doesn’t know I exist; that big ball of flaming gas isn’t even aware of its own existence, as far as we know. My gratitude doesn’t make it burn any brighter.
That’s not true of people—people will glow in gratitude. Saying thanks to my son might make him happier and it can strengthen our emotional bond. Thanking the guy who makes my coffee can strengthen social bonds—in part by deepening our understanding of how we’re interconnected with other people.
My colleague Emiliana Simon-Thomas, the GGSC’s science director and another co-director of our Expanding Gratitude project, puts it this way:
Experiences that heighten meaningful connections with others—like noticing how another person has helped you, acknowledging the effort it took, and savoring how you benefited from it—engage biological systems for trust and affection, alongside circuits for pleasure and reward. This provides a synergistic and enduring boost to the positive experience. Saying ‘thank you’ to a person, your brain registers that something good has happened and that you are more richly enmeshed in a meaningful social community.

5. They mention the pancakes
Grateful people are habitually specific. They don’t say, “I love you because you’re just so wonderfully wonderful, you!” Instead, the really skilled grateful person will say: “I love you for the pancakes you make when you see I’m hungry and the way you massage my feet after work even when you’re really tired and how you give me hugs when I’m sad so that I’ll feel better!”
The reason for this is pretty simple: It makes the expression of gratitude feel more authentic, for it reveals that the thanker was genuinely paying attention and isn’t just going through the motions. The richest thank you’s will acknowledge intentions (“the pancakes you make when you see I’m hungry”) and costs (“you massage my feet after work even when you’re really tired”), and they’ll describe the value of benefits received (“you give me hugs when I’m sad so that I’ll feel better”).
When Amie Gordon and colleagues studied gratitude in couples, they found that spouses signal grateful feelings through more caring and attentive behavior. They ask clarifying questions; they respond to trouble with hugs and to good news with smiles. “These gestures,” Gordon writes, “can have profound effects: Participants who were better listeners during those conversations in the lab had partners who reported feeling more appreciated by them.”
Remember: Gratitude thrives on specificity!

6. They thank outside the box
But let’s get real: Pancakes, massages, hugs? Boring! Most of my examples so far are easy and clichéd. But here’s who the really tough-minded grateful person thanks: the boyfriend who dumped her, the homeless person who asked for change, the boss who laid him off.
We’re graduating from Basic to Advanced Gratitude, so pay attention. And since I myself am still working on Basic, I’ll turn once again to Dr. Emmons for guidance: “It’s easy to feel grateful for the good things. No one ‘feels’ grateful that he or she has lost a job or a home or good health or has taken a devastating hit on his or her retirement portfolio.”
In such moments, he says, gratitude becomes a critical cognitive process—a way of thinking about the world that can help us turn disaster into a stepping stone. If we’re willing and able to look, he argues, we can find a reason to feel grateful even to people who have harmed us. We can thank that boyfriend for being brave enough to end a relationship that wasn’t working; the homeless person for reminding us of our advantages and vulnerability; the boss, for forcing us to face new challenges.
“Life is suffering. No amount of positive thinking exercises will change this truth,” writes Emmons in his Greater Good article “How Gratitude Can Help You Through Hard Times.” He continues:
So telling people simply to buck up, count their blessings, and remember how much they still have to be grateful for can certainly do much harm. Processing a life experience through a grateful lens does not mean denying negativity. It is not a form of superficial happiology. Instead, it means realizing the power you have to transform an obstacle into an opportunity. It means reframing a loss into a potential gain, recasting negativity into positive channels for gratitude.

That’s what truly, fantastically grateful people do. Can you?
For more reasons to practice gratitude, check out this infographic created by Here’s My Chance.


Alain de Botton



原來早前CNN以 “Not loving it: McDonald’s franchisees are depressed"為題,展開咗一個關於老麥特許經營者嘅調查,調查入面29位經營者,各自講下面對緊咩挑戰,有人就抱怨「 菜單上沒有一樣東西會讓我們的顧客興奮」,有人甚至話:「 我們可能完蛋了。」

目前全美國有超過 3000間加盟店,到底,老麥發生咩嘢事呢?


今年初上任個CEO話要改革,仲搞埋推出三文治(三明治),但訊息都係唔清唔楚。 今次調查,經營者正正就係抱怨呢一點,未能夠擺脫「便宜食物」嘅標籤。



資料來源:CNN, 地球圖輯隊


中文譯英文嘅笑話睇唔少,每次睇都仲係會笑得出。今次外國網站 Twenty Two Words就搵咗35個外國人覺得好奇妙嘅英文翻譯,出現得最多係「禁止踐踏草地」嘅英文翻譯,唔通因為外國好少公園唔比人行草地,所以好難搵到例子嚟 抄?當然仲有啲食物翻譯都好經典,入嚟有得研究,不過無正確答案。
1437479448-0  1437479448-2 birds husband mental rubbish sexthing shoes6 slipdown tendergrass touch


Line Dance - Dance alone




15 Things Really Successful People Do Often


We all perceive and appreciate extraordinary people around us, who are heroically successful at what they do; particularly people who experience repetitive success in many areas all through their lifetime. We all have our own models of great and successful people, whom we appreciate and admire. There are many reasons that influence success; some of them have conferred their favorite habits or have acknowledged their own actions to reach their goals.

The point to be considered here is most of them were not born into success; they worked hard, they learned and they simply and continuously did things successfully. Here are 15 things successful people often do differently that helps them realize their full potential and the rest of us can easily follow.

1. They trust their creative side

The world’s most successful people always have one thing in common that make them unique: they think differently from others. They trust and understand how their creative mind works; they embrace uncertainty, and they don’t fear failure. Successful people use their creativity to sort through a mass of ideas to discover the ones that fit into a situation—that support the condition—which is a very difficult task which makes them exceptional.

2. They think bigger

Successful people think bigger and they can see the big-picture to predict the future. They are able to predict how the market will change based on present measures.

3. They plan ahead

Successful people are disciplined when it comes to planning ahead. They believe if someone is not planning for the future, then he must plan to fail. Successful people follow this philosophy and set targets to challenge themselves and the people who work for them.

4. They have fun

Successful people look for what is essential or fun; they make room for activities that balance their work and life. Those who have fun at work, who enjoy while performing their tasks, draw success to them. You can only understand the true satisfaction and joy in your life, if you have learned to have fun.

5. They are not afraid to quit

Successful people never give up on their tasks or dreams, but they always try and admit mistakes and take away lessons to make future projects more successful.

6. They enjoy the ups and downs

Prosperous individuals see life as being occupied with many exhilarating twists and turns. Successful people are brave enough to take risks, face challenges and be hungry to find success in their life.

7. They take real action

ACTION is THE KEY to SUCCESS. To be successful one needs to be proactive. The most successful people in life are devoted to taking actions in a steady, constant basis. Successful tycoons make decisions fast and act on them just as quickly, instead of sitting on the boundary, trying to make a decision, hoping that the best answer will appear itself.

8. They measure progress

The most successful entrepreneurs use logical systems for measuring the progress of a goal. By measuring progress, they stay on track; they reach their target, and experience the excitement of triumph that spurs them to reach their goals.

9. They work outside of their comfort zone

Substantial moments of opportunity for individual growth and success will swing in your life. Successful people are always looking forward to make constructive changes and new innovations in their life; they embrace these instants of opportunity.

10. They keep things simple

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci
Successful people choose something that’s doable. If something doesn’t work out, they learn from the experience, pick something else and move forward.

11. They focus on continuous improvements

Successful people make a plan while selecting an activity to deal with troubles when they arise. As their strength grows, they take on higher challenges.

12. They learn from mistakes

To be a successful person, focus on the positives – successful people look for the silver lining in all situations. They recognize their positivity will lead them to greatness.

13. They spend time with the right people

Successful people subordinate with people who are compatible, attentive and loyal. They hang out with people who create spirit and connect with persuasive people who are eager for their dreams and goals.

14. They don’t rely on luck

Superstitious people relate success to being in the right place at the right time. Whereas this is a component of achievement, there’s also the key contributions of blood, sweat and tears. Remember, don’t wait for the perfect timing or indication. Some of the most successful people thrived, even if the timing wasn’t impeccable.

15. They are flexible

Plans, strategies or tactics might change. Successful people move with the strokes. Instead of getting upset and frustrated, they quickly move in another direction.

Useful tips to become successful:


- Sometimes, it is just about overcoming your fears and taking risks in life. If you avoid taking risk, you may not discover your capabilities .Never be afraid of failure, it’s very important in finding success.
- Fail with an attitude.
- Follow a healthy routine, exercise regularly, eat well, laugh a lot, sleep peacefully, stop worrying.
- Sometimes, one needs to stop worrying about things beyond control.
- Look for and find opportunities where others give up.
- Take complete responsibility for your actions and outcomes or lack of them.
- Try being proactive instead of being reactive.
- Be sure about yourself and your deeds.
- Your looks, your dress does not determine your worth.
- Learn to swim against the tide.
- As in, have guts to follow only your heart and not the crowd!
- Do not take life seriously, learn to have fun as well!
- They don’t justify failure.
While unsuccessful people keep cribbing about their growing age, their health problems, their poor time management, their lack of luck, their bosses and their lack of opportunities, successful people are busy finding ways to overcome their challenges.

On this note, read these words from Eleanor Roosevelt:
“Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.”

10 Books You Should Read To Get Rich -Casey Imafidon


The journey to get rich requires certain tools. Although many seem to ignore this, books can help you build your mind, zeal and knowledge to become successful and rich. Therefore I have taken the effort to look through some amazing books that can do a lot to get your financial journey oriented in the right direction.

1. The Millionaire Next Door

This classic which was first published in 1996 and written by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko offers in-depth knowledge from the findings of the authors of how America’s millionaires became rich in seven key steps. One of the high points discussed was the simple and strategic method of spending less than you earn. By doing this, you could avoid impulse buying and diversify your investments.

2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Robert T. Kiyosaki’s book remains a stunner any day and anytime. It is a must read if you want to start crafting a path to wealth while you are young. In this book, Kiyosaki was able to bring the distinguishing factor or habits of his father, who was a highly educated man yet poor, and his other father who was a dropout but became a self-made multimillionaire. The focus follows what are termed the different “quadrants” of the different classes of people in society and how you can elevate yourself to the Investor quadrant which will make you super rich.

3. How Rich People Think

Steve Siebold author of “How Rich People Think” has spent 30 years interviewing 1, 000 millionaires and billionaires to figure out what distinguished them from the average person. In the book, Siebold offers concrete action steps to follow as an ambitious person to building your own wealth.

4. Think and Grow Rich

Written in an era of Great Depression, author and former adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt interviewed over 500 successful people to discover the keys to good fortune. A classic and bestselling book, it discusses how you should start planning by setting your aim and desire of how much you really want to earn. It all starts from the power of your thoughts and then action.

5. ‘You’re So Money: Live Rich, Even When You’re Not’ 

Directed towards the middle class earners who are making entry level pay, author Farnoosh Torabi talks about how you can save money in certain areas of your life. The book is a great read and offers wonderful advice to young people. It has a witty, funny and concise approach to explaining to people how they can handle their finances appropriately on the road to becoming rich.

6. The Richest Man in Babylon

Written by George S. Clason, this book unearths principles and secrets that will lead you to personal wealth. As one of the most inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning and personal wealth, “The Richest Man in Babylon” identifies the solution to financial problems that will guide you to wealth. Such secrets such as keeping your money, making more by investing and always finding a way to add value makes this book a celebrated bestseller.

7.  TheScience of Getting Rich (A Thrifty Book) 

Wallace Wattle provides the intellectual framework of building personal wealth through positive thinking. The book talks about how you can create wealth through equipping your thoughts to attract wealth. For example, if you believe that money is evil, then you won’t be wealthy.

8. The Automatic Millionaire

The Automatic Millionaire written by David Bach explains that you do not need to get rich through a budget but with a well laid out plan. The Automatic Millionaire offers timeless principles including phone numbers, websites and every element that will get you started on your road to wealth within an hour.

9. Screw It, Let’s Do It: Lessons in Life

Written by seasoned entrepreneur and billionaire, Richard Branson offers practical steps of how he became successful and how you can too. His book is based on his personal experiences and important lessons which have influenced him and will certainly influence you too if you want to become rich.

10. The Millionaire Fast Lane

The Millionaire Fast Lane helps you see the difference between what you cannot do and what you can. There is the Slowlane Road and the Fast Lane road, which involves ignoring popular advice and settling for the unconventional path to attaining wealth and financial security.
So there you have it, ten books that can define your path to being rich.

10 Tips for a Strong Start


To help this process, here are 10 essential things you need to know about running a successful business. Use it as a checklist to make sure your thinking and your business plan are on the right track, or if you need to get more information, strategic education or clarity for yourself on your overall vision, your market, or your product or service.
  1. Offer what people want to buy, not just what you want to sell. Too often, people jump into a business built around a product or service they think will be successful, rather than one that is already proven to have a market.

    What do I mean?

    Instead of creating and selling a new sports shoe with the latest trendy design and materials, you'd be much better off from a business perspective to focus on shoe category generally (a proven category because which people buy shoes every day) and then focus more specifically on the niche of high performance sports shoes, (which you may even sell in a section of a shoe retail outlet). Better to have a small slice of a large category than a large slice of no market at all.
  2. Get cash flowing ASAP. Cash flow is the lifeblood of business, and is absolutely essential to feed bottom-line profits. So you need to find ways to jump start cash flow immediately.

    How do you do that? In a professional services business, you can ask for deposits on work up-front, with balances due on delivery.

    You can do the same in retail, especially on high-ticket or specialty item and position it as an added value and a way to insure delivery by a specific date.

    You can also add value to generic items by creating private labels, and develop continuity programs where customers pay an up-front monthly fee to insure delivery or availability of items they will buy on a repeat basis. Of course, the key is to make sure there is little or no gap between when you pay for labor, stock inventory and when you actually get paid. Ideally, you'll find ways to get money up front, and your cash gap will never be an issue.
  3. Always find new ways to keep costs low. All the cash flow in the world is worthless if it's not positive cash flow, which means you have to bring in more cash than you pay out.

    To do this, you need to keep your costs and expenses low. We've touched on this before, especially in terms of outfitting a startup. The main idea is to never pay retail , and look for used or gently used items to furnish your office or your retail space.

    Paying vendors up front also gives you leverage for negotiating better prices. Especially in this economic environment, where credit is at a premium, vendors are more willing than ever to find creative ways to finance transactions, and that is a trend will likely continue over time.

    So do some extra work and research now to discover how owners and vendors are finding ways to work out deals, and you just may hit on whole new ways of doing business.
  4. When planning, always overestimate expenses and underestimate revenues. I was trained as an accountant, so the numbers side of business is part of my entrepreneurial DNA, and was also a big part of my early business education.

    That said, I've never seen a startup business where expenses were at least 30 percent more than initially planned or anticipated, and revenues are at least that much less.

    Being conservative in your numbers doesn't mean you are willing to accept those numbers, it just means you are arming yourself with information you can work with and work over. It means you can gauge the kinds of efforts and activities you will need to put into sales and marketing.
  5. Focus on sales and marketing manically. In business, nothing happens until a sale is made. From the jump, you'll need to find a good way to get leads, convert leads into sales, and make sure you keep getting repeat sales from your customers.

    The way to do this is to find or create a marketing and sales funnel system that you can work, test, measure; one that anyone in your company can utilize.

    Too many entrepreneurs focus on getting their brand right before they start to generate leads. That is exactly the wrong way to go about business. Leads are always more important than your brand, so don't waste money getting your brand right at the expense of spending that same money to buy new customers.

    Soon, you'll discover you can build your brand from the ground up, versus spending years and hundred of thousands of dollars building it from the top down. Don't presume you'll even survive that long, because without leads, you won't!
  6. Find ways to exponentially increase profits. In business, there are five drivers that impact profits. If you can master them while keeping your costs in check, you will run a successful business.

    It's as simple as getting more leads, converting more leads into customers, increasing the number of times those customers buy from you, increasing the average price point of your sales and increasing your profit margins.

    Do any one of those, while also keeping costs down, you will see more profits. Do all of them and you will see your business really take off.
  7. Test and measure everything. You can't change what you don't measure, and you can't tell if a program or strategy is working if you are not faithfully testing, measuring and tracking your results.

    Another way to look at this is to think in terms of doctors. Most like to get baseline stats of your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing before they delve into identifying symptoms or recommending corrective courses of action.

    The same is true in your business. Why keep literally throwing money away on an ad campaign that costs thousands of dollars but doesn't bring any people through the door?
  8. Accept that learning more equals earning more. If you've never run a million dollar business, you don't know how to start a business--simple as that.

    But you can learn to run one, even if it is your million dollar business you are building from the ground up.

    However, you need to accept right now that learning always comes before "earning" (except in the dictionary). You'll need to be committed to learning as much as you can about sales and marketing and operations if you want to have a truly success business.

    Once you do that, however, the sky is the limit. Knowing and applying those simple fundamentals in a highly leveraged way is one of the reasons many top executives and entrepreneurs earn so much.

    Identify those areas and you then can decide to learn it yourself or hire an expert and learn as much as you can from that person--because you never know when you can run across a distinction in thinking or a strategy that can really take you and your business to a new level of success.
  9. Don't discount, add value. Whenever you discount, you are taking money directly out of your pocket and directly from your bottom-line profit. So don't do it. Instead, create added value propositions all the way up and down your product or service line.

    Whatever the industry is, look to hold your price points, increase your margins with the low-cost or no-cost extras and any kind of freemium offerings.

    In the end, those little things won't cost you a lot, but will build up tremendous goodwill and word-of-mouth with your customers and customer base.
  10. Get a coach. Even if you don't get a business coach at first to help you and guide you in your planning and operation, get someone who is objective and outside of your business you can rely on for nitty gritty business advice and to hold you accountable to getting results.

    Too often, we think we have all the answers and are the only people who can really get things done. The reality is that another set of eyes can work wonders for how you operate both on and in your business. An outsider can also make sure you are getting the numbers you need both on the top line and the bottom line to survive.
I hope this initial checklist will be valuable in helping you clarify your thinking and helping you prioritize some activities in your planning and start up mode.
I like to say there are no mysteries in business or in life, there's just information you don't know yet.
So prepare as well as you can, knowing you will need to make changes and corrections. But armed with the right strategies up front, you can cut the time it will take you successfully get to your ultimate destination--wherever it is that may be for you and your business.

LIne Dance - I want to know

Line Dance - Qing Mi Ai Ren

Song - Invisible Wings

《独学术》 作者:白取春彦









  日本青森縣人。於德國柏林大學就讀期間,研究哲學、宗教與文學。出版多本關於哲學與宗教的解說著作,廣受好評。代表著作有《專為上班族解說的「聖經」 入門》、《學習術》、《聰明思考術》、《不鑽牛角尖的思考術:通往成功之門的24個習慣》、《佛教「超」入門》、《超譯尼采I.II》等書。








第一章 治學只能靠獨學

第二章 閱讀艱澀書籍的訣竅

第三章 提升教養

第四章 外語獨學法

第五章 思考的技術・調查的技術




  • 出版社:時報出版  
  • 出版日期:2013/04/08
  • 語言:繁體中文 
  • 不管是日本東京,還是法國巴黎、普羅旺斯、波爾多等地,甚至是台灣台北或是內地其他的美好地點。里維將以他的行腳與個人感受,帶大家從圖片與文字中了解到生活的片段與美好滋味,讓旅行也成了「體驗生活、改變自我」的最好方式。   以筆記書(短篇)的文字型式讓讀者從書中的世界,從45篇圖文並茂的文字,看到了旅行中所體會的美好與小奢華,有短文、圖文互搭、拼圖版面的方式,讓整本書流暢易讀,感受里維在旅行中的個人想法與見解。
      當旅行變成一件不那麼遙遠的事情,當品味美食成為眾人所渴望的願望之一,讓我們把兩者合二為一,同時加上一點不一樣的文化觀察;牽著讀者的走, 一起走過東京、法國、香港、北京、上海與台北各個角落,讓自己的旅行可以帶點小奢華,那是對自己的犒賞、對自己的獎勵,也是,對生活的一種重新呼吸。






Line Dance - Killing me softly with his song

Line Dance - Words don't come easy

Happy Day in Solar Kitchen

Happy dinner in Solar Kitchen:
Prama ham with Japanese melon and salad
shrimps n seafood salad,onion sauce,
steaks with potato n mushrooms,
grilled chicken,
fried rice with scallops,
mango fruit cake.


餐廳位於崗頂附近的小巷, 沿新馬路民政總署旁的小巷直上,
 到崗頂附近後向福隆新街方向夜呣斜巷向下斜落, 行到中途的家神圍入去, 右手邊就到

TEL: 2893 8559



Unknown callers?

Few days ago,
called one of my colleagues after office hours,
obviously her secretary has left,
she picked up the phone by herself,
the voice I recognize from the phone,
acting like her secretary,
asking me who called,
at last,
she explained to me that,
after office hours,
she doesn't want to occupy her precious working time by unknown callers,
as her secretary could not handle the calls for her,
she needs to disguise other person pick up the phone!















Homemade Salmon Bread

Thanks for the delicious fresh bread!





Sweet sweet = Sentimental Moment

Was touched by a facebook picture,
in this June,
all of us are happy to get the news that
E and M are getting married soon,
though they are in US,
and E's mom is in Macau,
E's mom and the two went to the jewelry shop,
before they go back to the States,
the elderly mom offered them beautiful ring,
from the picture,
I can share their happiness,
so sweet!!

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A tiny dust in the universe.