
ENGLISH FLUENCY SECRETS 🤫 | 💬 GREAT phrases for Small Talk

 Start the conversation
1. What brings you here?/What are you here for? 2. Is this your first time here? 3. Long time no see!/It's great to see you again./ I haven't seen you in ages - how are things?
Talking about weather
1. Beautifulday, isn't it? 2. Oh, miserable day, typical. Typical of UK. 3. It looks like it's going to snow/rain. 4. It won't surprise me if it snows/rains. 5. It'd be great if it rains, we haven't had a drop of rain in weeks.
Catching up with people
1. The last time I saw you, you were... 2. Did you end up getting that promotion/New job... 3. I remember you were planning to... 4. Did you hear about... 5. You won't believe it when you hear the story about... 6. Wait till I tell you...
Ask about the business/work/study
1. Are you still working at... 2. How are your studies going? What year are you in now? 3. How's your work going? 4. How do you like working remotely? 5. What do you think about working remotely?
Asking someone else
1. So how are the kids? Getting bigger, I'm sure. 2. How's your... doing? 3. Please say hi to...for me. 4. Please give my regards to all the gangs. 5. Have you seen... recently? Have you heard from... recently?
Comment on people's look
1. I like your new hair style. You really lost weight recently, you look great! 2. I really love those pair of shoes, where did you get them?
Closing the conversation
1. Oh, look, sorry, I really got to go but give me a number. Let's catch up. 2. I better let you go. I've taken up so much of your time. I'm sure you want to get to your boss/home. 3. It was really great talking to you. We must catch up soon. 4. It's really been wonderful/amazing. I haven't seen you for such a long time. Let's do this again soon. Let's don't wait until the next meeting. So give me a shout. We'll get together for coffee or we'll get the family together. 3. It's time for me to head out. I am going to catch a train. Can I give you a lift?

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