

Takes one to know one 彼此彼此

Better late than never 遲做總比不做好

You can do it 你可以的

You're missing the point 你沒懂我說的重點

No pain, no gain 一分耕耘一分收穫

You two deserve each other 你兩真是天生一對

Let sleeping dogs lie別惹事

Wild goose chase 徒勞無功

That 's more like it 這差不多

Don't flatter yourself 別自作多情

Holy shit 卧槽

Stay with me 留下來陪我

Two wrongs don't make a right不要錯上加錯

Don't be so hard on yourself 對自己好點

I only have eyes for you 我的眼里只有你

Let's get down to business 言歸正傳

I know what you are going through 我知道你正在經歷著什麼

I owe you 我欠你的

Give it a shot 試一試

What a coincidence 好巧呀

The rest is up to you 剩下的就看你了

Don't mind him 別理他

Out of the blue 亳無預兆

Great minds think alike 英雄所見略同

Don't waste your breath 別浪費口舌了

Don't get carried away 吃得意忘形

What do you see in him? 你看上了他那一點?

Is this a bad time? 現在不方便嗎?

Let me be clear 讓我把話說清楚

Don't make a scene 別大吵大鬧

No hard feelings 別往心里去

What a relief 總算鬆了口氣

I am out of here 我撤了

It can't be helped 無藥可救

You have good taste 你品味很好

Keep a low profile 保持低調

Don't judge me 不要評判我

Do you have a reservation 你有預約嗎?

You scared me 你吓我一跳

Same old same old 老樣子

That 's settled then一言為定

You are way out of line 你太過分了

what else did he say? 他还說了什麼?

One step at a time 一步一步來

What did I miss? 我錯過了什麼?

What are you up to? 你在干什麼?

Dig in 開動吧

What else ? 还有什麼?

I 'm all set 我準備好了

What is your damage? 你有毛病吧?

Your point being? 你什麼意思? 

I just work here 我也不知道

That 's the ticket 正是

Fat Chance 不可能

Over the moon 非常高興

Zip it閉咀

bread and butter主要收入來源

break a leg祝好運

I 'm beat我累了

don't be cute 別裝傻

piece of cake小菜一碟

pull someone's leg開玩笑

In hot water水深火熱

Push the limits突破極限

Take a rain check 改日吧

Burn the candle at both ends起早貪黑

Kill two birds with one stone一石二鳥

Let the cat out of the bag泄密

In the blink of an eye 眨眼間

Crocodile tears鰐魚淚

Throwing in the towel最終放棄

Peace of heaven 美好快樂

Shoot first, ask questions later 先斬後奏

The cream always rises to the top 是金總會發亮

Righty tighty, lefty loosey 右緊左鬆

Drink from a fire hose 信息量爆炸

it 's up to you你決定

I call the shots我說了算

force of habit習慣了

No wonder怪不得

Beating a dead horse 覆水難收

A bed of roses生活如意


midas touch 財神爺眷顧

Captain contradiction杠精

You are punching above your weight想食天鵝肉

She is way off your league你太配不上她

I feel you感同身受

A fast talker信口胡說的人

Internet troll 鍵盤俠

Hold your horse冷靜點

you crack me up你可笑死我了

Money doesn't grow on trees 看不是大風刮來的

I dig you我喜歡你

Get you act together 振作起來

Are you pulling my legs 你開放玩笑吧

Every cloud has a silver lining凡事皆有好壞面

Fish out of water渾身不自在

Get something off your chest 不吐不快

Hang in there 堅持住

eye to eye看法一致

neck to neck 勢均力敵

hand in hand 絕配

shoulder to shoulder 緊密合作

toe to toe直接對抗

heart to heart 心心相印

Fat chance 沒門

The chance is slim機會渺茫

what a shame太遺憾了

I 'll make it up to you我會補償給你

Nothing comes from nothing天下沒免費午餐 

Be around the bush說話繞彎子

Be there or be square不見不散

Give me the runaround被點團團轉

You are out of line你太過分

Fat cat 大戶

money to burn 有的是錢

deep pocket有錢人

rolling in money財源滾滾

pig out 大吃特吃

duck out 悄悄溜走

chicken out退縮

fish out仔細尋找

you are green你沒經驗安

you are yellow 你是膽小鬼

you look blue你神色沮喪

you are in the pink你氣色好

fish wife潑婦

After you你先請

Don't take it to heart別往心里去

Thanks anyway 無論如何都要謝謝你

We 'd better be off我們該走

Brilliant idea 好主意

That's something 太棒了

I am behind you我支持你

You can count on it 儘管放心

You are a great help你幫了大忙

I 've done my best 我已經歷了

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