
Their Generation

I am pretty sure,
the kids now in Macau/Hong Kong are getting luckier than the previous generation,
once read the Hong Kong newspaper about the over-spoiled kids sent the parents to the job interview,
or the parents called the boss not to give overload work to their kids.

Like in Macau,
I always heard from the parents complaining that the property price in Macau is sky high,
it is very difficult for their sons or daughters to buy their own properties.
I saw and heard several cases of parents' actions to show their love and care to their children,
but I don't know whether it is really good or not for them.

One old couple renovated one of their properties which the expenditure cost about MOP250,000,
and gave it to their only daughter.

The other story is the parents also renovated the old home,
paid for the renovation fee,
and gave some money to the son for the wedding ceremony,
as they said that their son is going to marry soon.

Several stories are the elderly parents sponsoring some money regularly for their sons/daughters for the monthly salary of the maids or the monthly installment of the apartments.

They are the very lucky ones,
but do they need to have some reflections?

Parents use a lot of time,
love and money to bring them up,
when they finish their education,
how come they still need to continue get the financial support from their parents,
becoming a financial burden for them.

Remember when I was studying in the States,
I always heard that the teenagers would not get any financial support  from their parents when they graduate,
it is clearly told when they are young,
thus it is good for them to manage their life wisely and independently.

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