Sometimes, I forget to thank the people who make my life so happy in so many ways. Sometimes, I forget to tell them how much I really do appreciate them for being an important part of my life. Today is just another day, nothing special going on. So thank you, all of you, just for being here for me!
Takes one to know one 彼此彼此
Better late than never 遲做總比不做好
You can do it 你可以的
You're missing the point 你沒懂我說的重點
No pain, no gain 一分耕耘一分收穫
You two deserve each other 你兩真是天生一對
Let sleeping dogs lie別惹事
Wild goose chase 徒勞無功
That 's more like it 這差不多
Don't flatter yourself 別自作多情
Holy shit 卧槽
Stay with me 留下來陪我
Two wrongs don't make a right不要錯上加錯
Don't be so hard on yourself 對自己好點
I only have eyes for you 我的眼里只有你
Let's get down to business 言歸正傳
I know what you are going through 我知道你正在經歷著什麼
I owe you 我欠你的
Give it a shot 試一試
What a coincidence 好巧呀
The rest is up to you 剩下的就看你了
Don't mind him 別理他
Out of the blue 亳無預兆
Great minds think alike 英雄所見略同
Don't waste your breath 別浪費口舌了
Don't get carried away 吃得意忘形
What do you see in him? 你看上了他那一點?
Is this a bad time? 現在不方便嗎?
Let me be clear 讓我把話說清楚
Don't make a scene 別大吵大鬧
No hard feelings 別往心里去
What a relief 總算鬆了口氣
I am out of here 我撤了
It can't be helped 無藥可救
You have good taste 你品味很好
Keep a low profile 保持低調
Don't judge me 不要評判我
Do you have a reservation 你有預約嗎?
You scared me 你吓我一跳
Same old same old 老樣子
That 's settled then一言為定
You are way out of line 你太過分了
what else did he say? 他还說了什麼?
One step at a time 一步一步來
What did I miss? 我錯過了什麼?
What are you up to? 你在干什麼?
Dig in 開動吧
What else ? 还有什麼?
I 'm all set 我準備好了
What is your damage? 你有毛病吧?
Your point being? 你什麼意思?
I just work here 我也不知道
That 's the ticket 正是
Fat Chance 不可能
Over the moon 非常高興
Zip it閉咀
bread and butter主要收入來源
break a leg祝好運
I 'm beat我累了
don't be cute 別裝傻
piece of cake小菜一碟
pull someone's leg開玩笑
In hot water水深火熱
Push the limits突破極限
Take a rain check 改日吧
Burn the candle at both ends起早貪黑
Kill two birds with one stone一石二鳥
Let the cat out of the bag泄密
In the blink of an eye 眨眼間
Crocodile tears鰐魚淚
Throwing in the towel最終放棄
Peace of heaven 美好快樂
Shoot first, ask questions later 先斬後奏
The cream always rises to the top 是金總會發亮
Righty tighty, lefty loosey 右緊左鬆
Drink from a fire hose 信息量爆炸
it 's up to you你決定
I call the shots我說了算
force of habit習慣了
No wonder怪不得
Beating a dead horse 覆水難收
A bed of roses生活如意
midas touch 財神爺眷顧
Captain contradiction杠精
You are punching above your weight想食天鵝肉
She is way off your league你太配不上她
I feel you感同身受
A fast talker信口胡說的人
Internet troll 鍵盤俠
Hold your horse冷靜點
you crack me up你可笑死我了
Money doesn't grow on trees 看不是大風刮來的
I dig you我喜歡你
Get you act together 振作起來
Are you pulling my legs 你開放玩笑吧
Every cloud has a silver lining凡事皆有好壞面
Fish out of water渾身不自在
Get something off your chest 不吐不快
Hang in there 堅持住
eye to eye看法一致
neck to neck 勢均力敵
hand in hand 絕配
shoulder to shoulder 緊密合作
toe to toe直接對抗
heart to heart 心心相印
Fat chance 沒門
The chance is slim機會渺茫
what a shame太遺憾了
I 'll make it up to you我會補償給你
Nothing comes from nothing天下沒免費午餐
Be around the bush說話繞彎子
Be there or be square不見不散
Give me the runaround被點團團轉
You are out of line你太過分
Fat cat 大戶
money to burn 有的是錢
deep pocket有錢人
rolling in money財源滾滾
pig out 大吃特吃
duck out 悄悄溜走
chicken out退縮
fish out仔細尋找
you are green你沒經驗安
you are yellow 你是膽小鬼
you look blue你神色沮喪
you are in the pink你氣色好
fish wife潑婦
After you你先請
Don't take it to heart別往心里去
Thanks anyway 無論如何都要謝謝你
We 'd better be off我們該走
Brilliant idea 好主意
That's something 太棒了
I am behind you我支持你
You can count on it 儘管放心
You are a great help你幫了大忙
I 've done my best 我已經歷了
作詞:盧國沾 作曲:顧嘉煇
時時望前莫後退 人人莫愁無伴侶
遙遙遠路莫怕它 重重障礙莫怕它
鵬翼高張 我地乘風去
無限旅程 聯群和結隊
帆盡高張 破浪乘風去
無盡困難 終須消失去
時時望前莫後退 人人莫愁無伴侶
遙遙遠路莫怕它 重重障礙莫怕它
鵬翼高張 我地乘風去
無限旅程 聯群和結隊
帆盡高張 破浪乘風去
無盡困難 終須消失去
"破局" 哈叔
面對挫折、面對壓力,你該怎麼辦?如何走出困境、走出低谷?在競爭激烈、“內卷”嚴重的環境中,怎樣才能脫穎而出?辦法只有一個,那就是樹立破局思維,升級你的認知力,錘煉你的行動力。 本書分為上、下兩篇,上篇聚焦認知力,下篇聚焦行動力。上篇的三個主題分別是感知力、認知力和自控力,下篇的三個主題分別是抗挫力、爬坡力和成就力。作者結合自己和身邊人的真實經歷,分享了自己對職場、生活、人生的所見、所思、所悟,為陷入認知困局、渴望破局的年輕人提供了一份真誠的成長發展指南。
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don‘t Do丨By Amy Morin
Editorial Reviews
Morin, a clinical social worker, lays out the 13 everyday habits that could be holding you back from achieving your best self. For example, dwelling on the past and resenting others for their success is not making your life any better. (Again, shocking!) Morin wants to help you change these negative behaviors into positive maybe you should let her. -Cosmopolitan
Want to learn how to strengthen yourself mentally to endure life's most unpredictable curveballs? Morin will take you step-by-step through how to face your challenges head on with tips, exercises and troubleshooting advice.-People, Named one of the top 20 books written by women
From the Back Cover
Master Your Mental Strength
Revolutionary new strategies that work for everyone from homemakers to soldiers and teachers to CEOs
- Don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself
- Don’t give away your power
- Don’t shy away from change
- Don’t focus on things you can’t control
- Don’t worry about pleasing everyone
- Don’t fear taking calculated risks
- Don’t dwell on the past
- Don’t make the same mistakes over and over
- Don’t resent other people’s success
- Don’t give up after the first failure
- Don’t fear alone time
- Don’t feel the world owes you anything
- Don’t expect immediate results
《內心強大比什麼都重要-上集》 告別玻璃心的13件事
"Kick bad mental habits and toughen yourself up."—Inc.
Master your mental strength—revolutionary new strategies that work for everyone from homemakers to soldiers and teachers to CEOs.
Everyone knows that regular exercise and weight training lead to physical strength. But how do we strengthen ourselves mentally for the truly tough times? And what should we do when we face these challenges? Or as psychotherapist Amy Morin asks, what should we avoid when we encounter adversity? Through her years counseling others and her own experiences navigating personal loss, Morin realized it is often the habits we cannot break that are holding us back from true success and happiness. Indulging in self-pity, agonizing over things beyond our control, obsessing over past events, resenting the achievements of others, or expecting immediate positive results holds us back. This list of things mentally strong people don't do resonated so much with readers that when it was picked up by it received ten million views.
Now, for the first time, Morin expands upon the thirteen things from her viral post and shares her tried-and-true practices for increasing mental strength. Morin writes with searing honesty, incorporating anecdotes from her work as a college psychology instructor and psychotherapist as well as personal stories about how she bolstered her own mental strength when tragedy threatened to consume her.
Increasing your mental strength can change your entire attitude. It takes practice and hard work, but with Morin's specific tips, exercises, and troubleshooting advice, it is possible to not only fortify your mental muscle but also drastically improve the quality of your life.
Developing mental strength is about improving your ability to regulate your emotions, manage your thoughts, and behave in a positive manner, despite your circumstances.
We make our best decisions in life when we balance our emotions with rational thinking.
Good habits are important, but it’s often our bad habits that prevent us from reaching our full potential. You can have all the good habits in the world, but if you keep doing the bad habits alongside the good ones, you’ll struggle to reach your goals. Think of it this way: you’re only as good as your worst habits.
Simply reminding yourself that you have a choice in everything you do, think, and feel can be very freeing.
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Fuente Organic Wellness Color Care
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Return天然染髮護髮膏 - 黑色
花王Rerise回麗絲天然植萃黑色素護染膏 – 豐盈彈性
KUPA Color Recharge Conditioner (Organic Therapy)
Liese光影變幻Two-Tone Color系列
mise en scène HELLO!! BUBBLE泡沫染髮劑
【亚马逊链接】名医が教える 炎症ゼロ習慣 ~体内年齢が10倍若返る
《Acquired Tastes》 富人的品味生活
Acquired Tastes: Mayle, Peter: 9780553371833: Books
From gastronomy to matrimony, from the sartorial to the baronial, Acquired Tastes is Peter Mayle’s most delicious book yet—an irreverently spiced smorgasbord of rich dishes you’re sure to enjoy.
“Mr. Mayle is a writer who never fails to entertain. If he were told to go forth and write about doorknobs, he would return with a witty, perceptive essay.”—The New York Times Book Review
“One of the finest modern writers on matters that deal with taste.”—Craig Claiborne
“Much, much fun—and best read with a magnum of Dom Pérignon and a four-pound tin of Beluga caviar.”—Kirkus Reviews
“Witty and stylish . . . These hilarious essays are vintage Mayle.”—James Villas, author of The French Country Kitchen
“This delightful celebration of the little (and not-so-little) extravagances that make life worth living scintillates with wit, brio and trenchant observations”—Publishers Weekly
“Intriguing.”—Chicago Sun-Times
【亚马逊链接】 図解 食べれば食べるほど若くなる法: 読んでるうちに「老化」が消えていく!
我可能錯了 I May Be Wrong
作者: 比約恩.納提科.林德布勞, 卡洛琳.班克勒, 納維德.莫迪里 原文作者: Björn Natthiko Lindeblad, Caroline Bankler, Navid Modiri 譯者: 郭騰堅
- 抗氧化保健食品1.魚油
- 抗氧化保健食品2.薑黃素
- 抗氧化保健食品3.黑蒜
- 抗氧化保健食品4.維生素C.
- 抗氧化保健食品5.維生素E.
- 抗氧化保健食品6.靈芝
- 抗氧化保健食品7.牛樟芝
- 抗氧化保健食品8.白藜蘆醇
Marc-André Leclerc " 登山家"
Marc-André Leclerc (October 10, 1992 – March 5, 2018) was a Canadian rock climber, ice and mixed climber, and alpinist. He is known for his solo ascents–often in winter–of major ice and alpine climbing routes. In 2016, he completed the first winter solo ascents of both Torre Egger in Patagonia and of the Emperor Face of Mount Robson in Canada. In 2018, he was killed in an avalanche on the Mendenhall Towers in Alaska.
In 2021, a documentary film called The Alpinist was released about Leclerc's life and climbs
Marc-André Leclerc - Wikipedia
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- Wonderful World
- A tiny dust in the universe.