
"Use Yours 24 hours Wisely" |Oprah Winfrey Best Speech


The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene


02:28 第一條:永遠不要蓋過上司的光芒 06:59 第二條:永遠不要太信任朋友,學會如何利用敵人 10:04 第三條:隱藏你的意圖 14:56 第四條:說的永遠比需要的少 17:40 第五條:不惜用生命捍衛你的名譽 21:30 第六條:不惜代價,引人注目

《馬斯克傳 Elon Musk》






Jennifer Dulos失蹤案


Meter I Sekundet




最後一次相遇,我們只談喜悅(暢銷新版) The Book of Joy








Poorjopenrice 貼地食譜 營養食譜

 (1078) Poorjopenrice 窮撚開飯 貼地食譜 營養食譜 - YouTube


 The Leadership Challenge



"破局" 哈叔


面對挫折、面對壓力,你該怎麼辦?如何走出困境、走出低谷?在競爭激烈、“內卷”嚴重的環境中,怎樣才能脫穎而出?辦法只有一個,那就是樹立破局思維,升級你的認知力,錘煉你的行動力。 本書分為上、下兩篇,上篇聚焦認知力,下篇聚焦行動力。上篇的三個主題分別是感知力、認知力和自控力,下篇的三個主題分別是抗挫力、爬坡力和成就力。作者結合自己和身邊人的真實經歷,分享了自己對職場、生活、人生的所見、所思、所悟,為陷入認知困局、渴望破局的年輕人提供了一份真誠的成長發展指南。


《當和尚遇到鑽石》The Diamond Cutter


《不花钱的抗衰老 保持年轻的营养方法》


【亚马逊链接】 お金をかけないアンチエイジング! 若さを保つ栄養メソッド https://amzn.asia/d/4jMhwY5

The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin | TEDxOcala


13 Things Mentally Strong People Don‘t Do丨By Amy Morin


Editorial Reviews


Amy Morin's book will help you break the cycle of non-achievement and help you start living the life you've dreamed of. There are 13 critical ways to improve your mental strength, conquer your fears, and be the powerhouse you know you can be. -Business Insider

Morin, a clinical social worker, lays out the 13 everyday habits that could be holding you back from achieving your best self. For example, dwelling on the past and resenting others for their success is not making your life any better. (Again, shocking!) Morin wants to help you change these negative behaviors into positive ones...so maybe you should let her. 

Want to learn how to strengthen yourself mentally to endure life's most unpredictable curveballs? Morin will take you step-by-step through how to face your challenges head on with tips, exercises and troubleshooting advice.
-People, Named one of the top 20 books written by women

From the Back Cover

Master Your Mental Strength

Revolutionary new strategies that work for everyone from homemakers to soldiers and teachers to CEOs

  1. Don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself
  2. Don’t give away your power
  3. Don’t shy away from change
  4. Don’t focus on things you can’t control
  5. Don’t worry about pleasing everyone
  6. Don’t fear taking calculated risks
  7. Don’t dwell on the past
  8. Don’t make the same mistakes over and over
  9. Don’t resent other people’s success
  10. Don’t give up after the first failure
  11. Don’t fear alone time
  12. Don’t feel the world owes you anything
  13. Don’t expect immediate results




50惠天然海藻染髮護髮膏 (自然黑) 

Fuente Organic Wellness Color Care 

Rishiri飄然利尻昆布白髮染色護髮膏 - 自然黑色 


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花王Rerise回麗絲天然植萃黑色素護染膏 – 豐盈彈性 

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Liese光影變幻Two-Tone Color系列

mise en scène HELLO!! BUBBLE泡沫染髮劑 







名医が教える 炎症ゼロ習慣 ~体内年齢が10倍若返る https://amzn.asia/d/f8LEIiT

在这个视频中,我们深入探讨了引发慢性炎症的多种原因,以及如何通过饮食和生活习惯来有效减少体内的慢性炎症。 慢性炎症是影响健康的隐形杀手,它不仅会削弱身体的功能,还可能导致多种严重疾病。 视频中,我们详细介绍了AGEs(糖化终产物)和活性氧这两种主要的炎症诱因,及其对身体的影响。 同时,我们还分享了一些能够减少炎症的食物和生活方式的建议,如骨汤、多酚类食物、发酵食品和Omega-3脂肪酸等。 最后,我们还强调了避免小麦制品、控制糖分摄入,以及通过鼻腔冲洗预防“口呼吸”引发的慢性炎症的重要性。



《Acquired Tastes》 富人的品味生活

 Acquired Tastes: Mayle, Peter: 9780553371833: Amazon.com: Books

In Acquired Tastes, Peter Mayle, the erudite sojourner and New York Times bestselling author of A Year in Provence, sets off once more, traveling the world in search of the very best life has to offer. Whether telling us where to buy the world’s best caviar or how to order a pair of thirteen-hundred-dollar custom-made shoes, advising us on the high cost of keeping a mistress in style or the pros and cons of households servants, he covers everything the well-heeled—and those vicariously so inclined—need to know to enjoy the good life.
From gastronomy to matrimony, from the sartorial to the baronial, 
Acquired Tastes is Peter Mayle’s most delicious book yet—an irreverently spiced smorgasbord of rich dishes you’re sure to enjoy.

Praise for Acquired Tastes
“Mr. Mayle is a writer who never fails to entertain. If he were told to go forth and write about doorknobs, he would return with a witty, perceptive essay.”
The New York Times Book Review
“One of the finest modern writers on matters that deal with taste.”
—Craig Claiborne
“Much, much fun—and best read with a magnum of Dom Pérignon and a four-pound tin of Beluga caviar.”
Kirkus Reviews

“Witty and stylish . . . These hilarious essays are vintage Mayle.”
—James Villas, author of The French Country Kitchen

“This delightful celebration of the little (and not-so-little) extravagances that make life worth living scintillates with wit, brio and trenchant observations”
Publishers Weekly
Chicago Sun-Times


【TED演讲】想学会一个语言?就像玩电子游戏般地去说出来 | Marianna Pascal | TEDxPenangRoad










【亚马逊链接】 図解 食べれば食べるほど若くなる法: 読んでるうちに「老化」が消えていく! https://amzn.asia/d/7WB8SLy

吃得好,吃得美,竟然能助我们更瘦、更年轻! 🍴【节目内容】🍴 1️⃣ 让“身体”和“肌肤”恢复年轻的食物和饮食方式 2️⃣ 色斑、消除“色斑”、“皱纹”和“松弛”的饮食方法 3️⃣ 让“头发”重获生机的饮食习惯

早上優格100克,草莓,蘋果,獼猴桃。 晚餐吃牛蒡根。 睡前喝熱牛奶。 炸豆腐、納豆、moroheiya、酪梨、杏仁、綠花椰菜、南瓜、沙丁魚、地瓜、牛裡肌、蒟蒻、海藻、蘑菇。 泡芙。 三明治包括蔬菜、火腿、起司、雞肉和蝦子。 豬肉、鰻魚、糙米、大豆。 零食是混合堅果和香蕉


我可能錯了 I May Be Wrong


作者: 比約恩.納提科.林德布勞, 卡洛琳.班克勒, 納維德.莫迪里 原文作者: Björn Natthiko Lindeblad, Caroline Bankler, Navid Modiri 譯者: 郭騰堅

Younger next year丨Chris Crowley丨Henry S Lodge M D


《相約星期二》丨《Tuesdays with Morrie》





抗氧化物质对于保持健康和年轻至关重要。 在这个视频中,我们将深入探讨抗氧化物质的重要性,以及如何通过饮食来获取这些神奇的营养素。 抗氧化物质可以清除活性氧,防止其对身体造成损害,从而帮助身体保持健康和年轻。 我们将分享五种神奇食物,包括高氨基酸得分的蛋白质、富含Omega-3脂肪酸的食物、 富含黑色素的食物、富含抗氧化物质的食品以及富含锌的食物。 通过适当的饮食调整,你可以让身体细胞逐渐年轻,保持健康和活力。  


  • 抗氧化保健食品1.魚油
  • 抗氧化保健食品2.薑黃素
  • 抗氧化保健食品3.黑蒜
  • 抗氧化保健食品4.維生素C.
  • 抗氧化保健食品5.維生素E.
  • 抗氧化保健食品6.靈芝
  • 抗氧化保健食品7.牛樟芝
  • 抗氧化保健食品8.白藜蘆醇

" 我的少女時代 "


Marc-André Leclerc " 登山家"

 Marc-André Leclerc (October 10, 1992 – March 5, 2018) was a Canadian rock climber, ice and mixed climber, and alpinist. He is known for his solo ascents–often in winter–of major ice and alpine climbing routes. In 2016, he completed the first winter solo ascents of both Torre Egger in Patagonia and of the Emperor Face of Mount Robson in Canada. In 2018, he was killed in an avalanche on the Mendenhall Towers in Alaska.

In 2021, a documentary film called The Alpinist was released about Leclerc's life and climbs

Marc-André Leclerc - Wikipedia

《多伦多顶尖医生教您 世界最强的间歇性禁食》


トロント最高の医師が教える 世界最強のファスティング https://amzn.asia/d/iAsCmEL


 【亚马逊链接】 老化を「栄養」で食い止める 70歳からの栄養学 https://amzn.asia/d/0dHvU6O9

礦物質.....鋅, 銅...



 At 9 am, Super Typhoon Yagi was estimated to be about 360km South-southwest of Macau (near 19.2°N, 112.2°E). It is forecast to move West at around 15km/h towards the vicinity areas between the Leizhou Peninsula and Hainan Island.

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A tiny dust in the universe.