
記憶中國:一個農民的城市夢想 - 池 墨

I am trying to organise my 2005 journals, when I am working, I want to find out the latest development of the Chinese villagers. Thus I search over Internet. Get one interesting article below.......

Actually, yesterday, I heard from news that Premier Wen said that villagers' health be placed on priority. I was thinking that it is really good news,especially for those villagers who get sick, little like the teeth, eyes problems... they can do nothing. The hospitals may be far away from them or they have to wait for the doctors' visit in several weeks' time from the simple village clinic (if they have one).

Whenever the villagers have problems on health, it would cost them a lot to travel to the big town's hospital. At the same time, they could not work on the field, then costing them no income for the whole family.

They don't like the drillers in cities, where we have the Government subsides for the health expenditures, especially for certain kinds of illness. They have to take care of themselves.

In all, prevention is most important, if they have a better living environment, if they have a stronger body, they would not get sick easily.

In some places, the water in the villages is not in good condition for health, also the sands and dusts are everywhere, their health are threatened by all kinds of pollution. This can be the reasons that some articles I read before told me that in certain area's villages, the rate for getting cancer is very high, and most of the people usually have a shorter lifespan.

Hope the situation can improve.

The following article is very informative, it tells how a farmer's daughter struggled, and now she becomes a writer and owns a house in city. Good news! and I hope more of them can improve their life, but I have a question, if all the people from villages migrant to the cities, who will take care of the land of the villages. Who grow our food???

In America, I met some farmers who enjoy living in the country side very much. I think I like the country side too. The main issue is to improve the living condition there, there are a lot of good qualities there!!!

2009年10月07日 00:00:43  來源:新華網

池 墨













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