




十月初五街榮輝茶餐廳 -黑椒雞絲炒米
Macau Tower -  The Patisserie -  Blueberry Danish, Cheese Bread
McDonald - Taro Pie, Mc-Chicken Meal Set  (very full for afternoon snack!)

The Story of Bill Gates - a Rich Man






凌晨3-5點,肺的排毒。此即為何咳嗽的人在這段時間咳得最劇烈, 因排毒動作已走到肺;不應用止咳藥,以免抑制廢積物的排除。



療病者最好早吃,在6點半前,養生者在7點半前, 不吃早餐者應改變習慣,即使拖到9、10點吃都比不吃好。



1︰00 人體進入淺睡階段,易醒。此時頭腦較清楚,熬夜者想睡反而睡不著。

2︰00 絕大多數器官處於一天中工作最慢的狀態,肝臟卻在緊張工作,生血氣為人體排毒。

3︰00 進入深度睡眠階段,肌肉完全放鬆。

4︰00 「黎明前的黑暗」時刻,老年人最易發生意外。血壓處於一天中最低值,糖尿病病人易出現低血糖,心腦血管患者易發生心梗等。

5︰00 陽氣逐漸昇華,精神狀態飽滿。

6︰00 血壓開始升高,心跳逐漸加快。高血壓患者得吃降壓藥了。

7︰00 人體免疫力最強。吃完早飯,營養逐漸被人體吸收。

8︰00 各項生理激素分泌旺盛,開始進入工作狀態。

9︰00 適合打針、手術、做體檢等。此時人體氣血活躍,大腦皮層興奮,痛感降低。

10︰00 工作效率最高。


12︰00 緊張工作一上午後,需要休息。


14︰00 反應遲鈍。易有昏昏欲睡之感,人體應激能力降低。

15︰00 午飯營養吸收後逐漸被輸送到全身,工作能力開始恢復。


16︰00 血糖開始升高,有虛火者此時表現明顯。陽虛、肺結核等患者的臉部最紅。

17︰00 工作效率達到午後時間的最高值,也適宜進行體育鍛鍊。

18︰00 人體敏感度下降,痛覺隨之再度降低。

19︰00 最易發生爭吵。此時是人體血壓波動的晚高峰,人們的情緒最不穩定。

20︰00 人體進入第三個黃金階段。記憶力最強,大腦反應異常迅速。


22︰00 適合梳洗。呼吸開始減慢,體溫逐漸下降。最好在十點半泡腳後上床,能很快入睡。

23︰00 陽氣微弱,人體功能下降,開始逐漸進入深度睡眠,一天的疲勞開始緩解。

24︰00 氣血處於一天中的最低值,除了休息,不宜進行任何活動。


11 Coisas Que a Escola Não Ensina - Bill Gates

The 11 advices from Bill Gates to the graduates

Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it.

Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3: You will NOT make $40,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping-they called it opportunity.

Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rainforest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

A love letter from Steve Jobs

We didn't know much about each other twenty years ago.
We were guided by our intuition; you swept me off my feet.
It was snowing when we got married at the Ahwahnee.
Years passed, kids came, good times, hard times,
but never bad times.
Our love and respect has endured and grown.
We've been through so much together and here we are right back
where we started 20 years ago -- older and wiser --
 with wrinkles on our faces and hearts.
We now know many of life's joys, sufferings, secrets and wonders
and we're still here together.
My feet have never returned to the ground.







雙語金句﹕蓋茨:財富太多 漢堡包仍是漢堡包

Bill Gates:

"I can understand wanting to have millions of dollars. There's a certain freedom, meaningful freedom, that comes with that. But once you get much beyond that, I have to tell you, it's the same hamburger."




Song - Amazed

Artist: Lonestar Lyrics

Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh, it feels like the first time, every time
I want to spend the whole night in your eyes

Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you


33 of Life’s Most Powerful Lessons


  1. Often those who aren’t the easiest to love are the ones who need it the most.
  2. Seeing children play can make even the bluest day brighter.
  3. Money is not the root of all evil, fear is.
  4. The secret to happiness is the acceptance of yourself.
  5. Happiness is not based on external status, it is an internal state.
  6. Money can’t make me happy, but self-sufficiency gives me the freedom to share myself creatively, without worrying about how I’m going to pay the bills.
  7. Every man has a right to choose his own destiny.
  8. The path is the way.
  9. Coming is going, going is coming.
  10. The hardest is found in the easiest.
  11. Heaven and hell exist here and now, within your own mind.
  12. Life is the largest stage.
  13. Music is one of the most supreme expressions of life. It is art in it’s most transitory form. It is gone within an instant, and therefore, extremely precious.
  14. Follow your gut, you’ll thank yourself later.
  15. Remember what your mother taught you, it came from the most sacred place of love that exists.
  16. Never let an argument last, never hold a grudge, it will make your heart heavy.
  17. Forgive those that have yet to do you wrong, and you won’t have to worry about it should the time come.
  18. Be grateful for this moment, it is all there is.
  19. The source of most of your frustrations and anxiety are the result of living in the future, or the past.
  20. Spend time alone with yourself every day.
  21. Always go with yourself, never against yourself.
  22. You have to be your own best friend.
  23. If you don’t like what someone else says to you, you can walk away. But if you don’t like what you say to yourself, you can’t walk away. Therefore, if you’re going to be with yourself all the time, you might as well be nice to yourself.
  24. The truth shall indeed set you free.
  25. Lies only exist if we believe in them.
  26. Even the most fundamental beliefs about reality are not true in themselves. Our thinking makes them true in our experience.
  27. Your thoughts create reality.
  28. The biggest lie is the lie of your imperfection.
  29. Being kind is more important than being right.
  30. Your heart is your best compass.
  31. Cherish those that you love, you never know if you’ll see them again.
  32. Your beliefs are a filter for your reality.
  33. Love is the supreme expression of life, it is the essence and ground of all creation.

you. I encourage you to share your own most powerful lessons with us in the comments below. =)
  1. Believing in yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
  2. Your friends can be an elevator, or a cage.
  3. The best investment you can make, is in yourself.
  4. Suffering is the result of unfulfilled expectations.
  5. Intentions are like seeds in our consciousness, with water and nurture, they will flower into existence. What thoughts, what seeds, are you nurturing?
  6. What you feel is always right, however, the root of those feelings may be based on lies.
  7. The meaning of life is not found in something other than life.
  8. Your level of happiness is largely related to your level of intimacy with nature.
  9. Life is dreaming with the brain awake.
  10. Creatively expressing yourself is like making love to the universe.
  11. Everything is a game, or a dance, life is the ultimate game, the ultimate dance.
  12. Time is a real illusion.
  13. When beauty is seen as beauty, there is ugliness.
  14. When the mind is clear, a dark room has its blue sky.
  15. Sometimes the best answer is silence.
  16. We are not our bodies, we identify ourselves with our bodies, but in reality, we are the energy that moves through them.
  17. When tired, sleep, when hungry, eat.
  18. Division is only found in the mind, it is not present in reality.
  19. Love and compassion can heal the deepest wounds.
  20. An eye for an eye makes us all blind.
  21. The greatest gift you can give someone is your time.
  22. Practice makes the master, we are creatures of habit.
  23. If you want to receive, give.
  24. In life we have control over two things, what we think, and what we say.
  25. Your perception of others is a reflection of your own reality.
  26. If you believe you can, you can, if you believe you cannot, you cannot.
  27. When you are true to yourself in all your actions, your life takes on a whole new level of joy you never thought possible.
  28. Devotion is the supreme symbol of love.
  29. Life’s worth is not defined by external success, but by your collection of experiences.
  30. Everyone is an divine artist, writing their own story each day, choose to write your story with love.
  31. The meaning of life is found in the present, it is found now.
  32. Sometimes your joy comes from your smile.
  33. Imagine how our lives could change if with every action we simply asked ourselves “is this what I want?”

50 of the World’s Best Breakfasts

Line Dance - Cha Cha

Line Dance - NY Cha

A New Earth - Oprah


Song - That's what friends for

Oprah Winfrey, Stanford University Commencement Speech 2008


Oprah talks to graduates about feelings, failure and finding happiness

Following is an edited transcript of Oprah Winfrey's speech at Stanford's Commencement ceremony Sunday, June 15, 2008

L.A. Cicero






與大廚B 交談,

So good,
I like it !!

15 Ways to Stop Wasting Money on Food


1. Buy less food overall.
2. Keep your fridge uncluttered.
3. Make French toast.
4. Ignore expiration dates.
5. Decline the "extras" at restaurants.
6. Bring home leftovers.
7. Use smaller plates at home.
8. Cook more.
9. Grow your own herbs.
10. Shop for fruits and vegetables last.
11. Eat before you shop.
12. Limit bulk buys.
13. Save and eat leftovers.
14. Use your freezer.
15. Label items.

A taste of Cajú

This afternoon,Chef of Brazil treated us with cajú juice.

At the beginning,
by seeing the color of the juice,
I though he has made the iced lemon juice,
it was not sour nor very sweet,
the color was in yellow,
the drink was very fresh and delighted and all of us liked it very much,
he kept on explaining to us that we could add sugar if we wanted to be sweeter,
but I think it was pretty good,
not too sweet.

It should be my first time to try this kind of fruit juice -
a flavour of Brazil,
being far away from that country;
besides, in Macau,
we can not find this fruit at all.

Was very curious of this fruit,
and asked for the name,
Chef of Guinea and Chef of Goa explained to me that the nuts are called cashew nuts.
and in their home countries,
they also use Cajú to make wine,
I was really lost,
how come the fruit of cashew tree can be so different.
Back home,
checked with Internet,
it is really the cashew fruit juice,
flavours of Brazil,
so nice!




Song - 相處之道 (誰家灶頭無煙火主題曲 Theme song -Be home for dinner)


幾多幾多次聚餐 我與你爭吵已慣
火花點起太礙眼 你責怪我不轉彎
雙方望著但事實也口硬 而怒氣似未散
不過學習盛怒用愛沖淡 情深 不減
彼此相處鬥氣也許少不免 還是愛你像昨天
怎麼相處也要靠雙方改變 磨合再去為你改變
愛能讓我們為愛人奉獻 也能讓我們用愛做美點

韓劇 - 愛上女主播

主題曲: You can't say

日劇 - 一公升的眼淚

韓劇 - 天國的階梯


Line Dance* - Tango Del Rio

International Work Camp 國際工作營



Something about myself - True or Flase? Nobody knows.

















Diamond Ring

Heard this story from an elderly:

The old man got retired for long time,
though he is not rich,
he has his retirement fund,
and he usually lives in a moral standard.

He has a younger cousin,
who is rich enough,
that she always dresses up nicely,
and hangs around with the upper class people.

The two didn't meet nor contact each other for many years.

In one banquet,
two eventually met,
the old man was very happy to greet his cousin.

By the time they were holding hands,
his cousin told him loudly,
"Be careful, don't hold hard, my diamond ring is very expensive!!

十个哲理寓言,十个成功秘诀 10 successful secrets for life

1. Open the window next to failure, perhaps you will find hope!
2. Calling for and sharpening the power for success.
3. Cherish your life, and you can walk out of the frustration time.
4. Open your mind, the sunshine for success can enter and take away the darkness of failure.
5. One can discover the power of success whenever one keeps the mindset for success.
6. God help those those who help themselves.
7. A successful person is adept on giving up, while he/she is skillful to evaluate the value in the loss.
8. Don't be afraid when you are still young and inexperienced, and don't regret after you are becoming elderly.

9  Reduce temptation, get as far away from it as possible.  
10. Remember: you run fast, other can run faster than you!


Editorial Policy cheques明報社評 2011.10.26﹕唐梁勿亂開施政支票 防墮小圈子選舉陷阱i

【明報專訊】HENRY TANG and Leung Chun-ying have resigned their public offices so that they can consider whether to stand for Chief Executive (CE) and prepare for their electioneering. They have busied themselves with going to various districts, attending forums and talking about their ideas and policy directions. When they mention specific policies, they seem intent on endearing themselves to certain groups.

Candidates have to make political pledges to drum up support. However, only the 1,200 Election Committee members will have the vote. It is certainly wrong for any CE aspirant to make "policy cheques" out to Election Committee members in exchange for their support.




Through our eyes

watched a TV program about Cecilia Cheung,
she was interviewed by one artiest about her latest life.
I think she has very high EQ,
as she said that in her eyes,
she only sees the best side of everything,
thus in her world,
everything is beautiful and nice,
she would not blame anyone nor she has enemies,
I think this is the philosophy of forgive and forget.

saw a video of my colleague F,
who got married on last Saturday.

The video is so beautiful,
and it resumed the most beautiful parts of the wedding ceremony,
I think it is a very good memory and nice record for two persons entering into a new journey.

Life should be like this,
we should see the good things,
and memorize the good things,
for the bad things,
we should forgive and forget,
don't look back,
our life will be easier, better, and nicer!!


In the Kitchen

Life is like preparing a big festival meal in the kitchen.

When the chef wishes to get his work well done, he must have his tools sharpened first.

One minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage.

The food on the table usually takes a lot of preparation work by the patient chefs!

A master chef doesn't work alone, he also stimulates team spirit for all the buddies.

A master chef is the one who can make a delicious dish, no matter what kinds of ingredients in hand.

A master chef targets to make healthy and delicious food on time to the table!

A master chef has two different chef uniforms - one for the kitchen and one for the restaurant!

Same food/materials or ingredients used by different chefs came from different countries or cultural backgrounds, the dishes could be very different in colors, smells, tastes and presentation.

A master chef is not a mathematician or economist, but he or she should know the quantity and the ratio of all the materials and ingredients, the costing of the food, the preparation time and the cooking time!

A master chef is happy to share with you his recipes.

 I am glad that I got the chance to meet several master chefs coming from different countries and learned from them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









玄參  1兩
生地  1兩
麥冬  1兩
淮山 2兩
雲苓 2兩



Holiday mood

Half way of my annual holiday,
busy on doing this and that,
still enjoying the time without involing with the office work,
with the nice and sunny weather,
life is so beautiful!

Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China

By Leslie T. Chang

Product Details
Hardcover: 432 pages
Publisher: Spiegel & Grau; 1st Ed. edition (October 7, 2008)
Language: English
Leslie T. Chang lived in China for a decade as a correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, specializing in stories that explored how socioeconomic change is transforming institutions and individuals. Her first book, Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China, traces the lives of two young women from the countryside who work in a factory city in South China, interwoven with her own family history of migrations within China and to the West. The book was published in 2008 by Spiegel & Grau, a Random House imprint. Factory Girls was named a New York Times Notable Book and one of the best books of the year by many publications. Chang is a recipient of a PEN USA Literary Award and an Asian American Literary Award.

Was attracted by the title of the book, and is now enjoying the reading of the stories!!

Festival Lusofonia 2011


On line courses from Top Universities

Harvard Lesson - JUSTICE

Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 01 "THE MORAL SIDE OF MURDER"





If you had to choose between (1) killing one person to save the lives of five others and (2) doing nothing even though you knew that five people would die right before your eyes if you did nothing—what would you do? What would be the right thing to do? Thats the hypothetical scenario Professor Michael Sandel uses to launch his course on moral reasoning. After the majority of students votes for killing the one person in order to save the lives of five others, Sandel presents three similar moral conundrums—each one artfully designed to make the decision more difficult. As students stand up to defend their conflicting choices, it becomes clear that the assumptions behind our moral reasoning are often contradictory, and the question of what is right and what is wrong is not always black and white.

31 Life Lessons


By Tina Su
“Waking up this morning, I smile.
Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.
I vow to live fully in each moment …”
~Thich Nhat Hanh

31 Life Lessons

1. It’s okay to make mistakes. Mistakes and failures are there to teach us. If we learn from them and correct the way on our path, better things will result from it.

2. We create our own reality. We have the power to break mental patterns that no longer serve us, and we have the power to consciously choose thoughts that empower us. It’s only a matter of breaking old habits and creating new ones.

3. Finding validation and seeking love from another person through relationships is a self-destructive path. Those types of relationships never last, and when they end, they burn in heartache. You must love and respect yourself first. When you wholeheartedly love who you are, the world will fall in love with you, and the right relationship will fall into place. Until I fully accept, love and respect myself, I will continue to attract those relationships rooted in fear, insecurities and disempowerment.

4. A few moments of silence each day will broaden your horizon, strengthen your self-awareness, and heighten your inner clarity. With clarity, you can do anything.

5. You will never be ready for what you want to do. The trick is to just start it anyway, and to develop the discipline to work at it consistently. Taking baby steps in the direction you want to go means that you will eventually get there.

6. Life is short. Live it the way that will make you happy.

7. Change creates resistance. We don’t like change and we will always gravitate towards what is familiar because familiarity keeps us feeling safe. But sometimes, change is good for us. In fact, change is inevitable. Change is the only thing that is for certain. Embrace change.

8. Don’t be afraid to dream. Dreams create the vision that governs the story of our lives. Our dreams create our future. Dream big. Remember #6, life is short.

9. Money is a renewable resource. If you lose some money, don’t sweat it. You can always make more. However, if you spend valuable time stressing over money, or lost opportunity, you’ll never get that time back. Time is more valuable than money.

10. Fear comes from uncertainty of the unknown. It happens to all of us. It is part of the natural mechanisms for our survival. Its job is to keep us safe. You can never suppress fear, nor ignore fear, nor cure fear. The trick is to fully embrace fear by simply acting despite the feeling of fear. When you’ve fully faced fear and experienced it, the fear will subside.

11. Self-doubt, like fear, seeks everyone. You are no exception. Just do it anyway.

12. Time is the most important resource in the world. It is the only non-renewable resource in your life. Choose wisely how you spend time, and with whom you spend it.

13. Less is more. Say less, listen more. Own less things, and you’ll experience more freedom.

14. The people with whom you spend time matter. They influence you in unconscious ways, both positive and negative. Your income is the average of the three people with whom you spend the most time. Your potential to achieve greatness can be limited by the negative influence of the opinions of the people around you. Similarly, if all your friends were living self-empowered and awesome lives, wouldn’t that rub off on you to live extraordinarily? Choose your friends carefully.

15. We really don’t need very much (stuff) to be happy.

16. The most important thing we can do is to love ourselves. By making self-love a priority, everyone and everything we care about will be better because of it. We become better parents, employees, lovers, friends and contributing members of society.

17. Learn to let go. Surrender to what is happening right now. Fully embrace and experience this moment, regardless of what this moment holds. Like all moments, this moment too shall pass.

18. People are really kind and helpful if you give them a chance. Be open to receiving without feeling the need to “pay them back.” Let others know what they’ve provided for you, and how much you appreciate their help. Fully receiving what someone else has to offer is a gift in itself.

19. We are stronger and more resilient than we think we are.

20. The most damaging influence in our lives is the limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves. It’s the unexamined limiting beliefs that cause us to sabotage our success, sell ourselves short, and limit our own potential to living extraordinary lives. If you are not achieving the kinds of results you want in your life, sit down with a journal and examine your beliefs.

21. Complaining, criticizing and gossiping is a waste of time and saps your energy.

22. Being a victim is a lot easier than being a leader. Leaders take responsibility and own up to their part in the doing. Leaders take action to change themselves and to overcome setbacks. Victims refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and emotions. Victims would rather sit back passively and give their power away by placing blame on an external trigger. Be the leader of your life. You are the only one capable of the job. Take responsibility of your own emotions. The world needs more leaders.

23. Forgiving someone is a lot easier than we think. When we forgive, we are setting ourselves free. Forgiveness is not about other people; it’s about letting the pain go in our own minds.

24. It’s easy to find fault in others–much easier than seeing fault in ourselves. How we view the world is a reflection of how we view ourselves, and this gives us insight to our internal thought patterns. Next time you catch yourself complaining about some fault in others, ask yourself, “What is it about myself, in relation to this topic, that I don’t like?”

25. Naps are good. It’s okay to sleep in, sometimes. We need rest to recharge. Staying up late into the night is bad for our bodies, and we pay the price with our health.

26. There is always a silent and graceful solution to every problem. When feeling nervous, stressed or anxious, stop everything and take three deep breaths. Or better yet, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Try the mantra “I am safe. All is well.”

27. Master creations in the arts (writing, drawing, music, dance, even software programming) are the result of someone’s love of the process of creation. Masterpieces are never created as a result of someone trying to be brilliant. Get out of your head and get into your heart. Stop overthinking! Just relax, start creating and fall into the flow. Focus on what you are doing without being concerned with what other people will think. Create for the sake of creation. Create out of love of the process, and you just might find that your resulting creation turns out to be a masterpiece.

28. When you passionately and genuinely believe in something, it will change you. You will embody the energy of your passion, and the world will notice the light that you shine. When you believe in yourself, others will believe in you, too.

29. Learn to say no. If you don’t want to do something—go to a party, accept an obligation, meet someone—just say “no, thank you.” You don’t owe anyone an excuse or explanation.

30. Giving unsolicited advice to others—regardless of how much you feel that they need it—is a waste of time and energy. Unless your advice was specifically requested, what you say will not be heard or appreciated. Unsolicited advice is perceived as annoying. Don’t do it.

31. Slowing down to self-reflect, to contemplate, to sit quietly, to journal, to breathe, or to clear your mind will actually make you more productive than if you worked until you collapsed. Slowing down has more benefits than just a clear mind; one side effect is a happier life.

Bonus Life Lessons

1. People will not change no matter how badly you want them to. People will only change if they want to. Instead of trying to change others, change yourself. Change your perception about the person, and allow them to be themselves, without you trying to change them.

2. We are not alone. No matter how bizarre or embarrassed or pathetic we feel about our own situation, there will be others out there experiencing the same emotions. When you hear yourself say “I am all alone,” it is your mind trying to sell you a lie so you will continue to feel sorry for yourself.

3. We are the only ones who can solve our own problems. We are the only ones who can change ourselves. We are the only ones who can choose to see the good, to see hope, to pick ourselves up, and to accept help. We must rely upon and trust ourselves.

4. My body knows what I need. Sometimes, I get sick because my body is trying to get my attention. Its message is usually something like this: relax, recharge, you’re working too much, drink water, exercise and get more sleep. When I get sick, I listen to my body’s messages and I heal.

5. Watch my language. The words I use to describe my experiences carry with it more power than I can consciously fathom. Saying that “I Can’t” do something has a profound effect on my beliefs about what is possible. It can limit my potential or empower me with possibilities. Choose your words carefully.

6. Help other people get what they want. You will be rewarded not only financially, but also with the priceless reward of fulfillment.

7. Trying to be right is a waste of time and energy. I would rather be happy than right.

8. Drink lots of water.

9. When you want something and you ask for it, you will more likely get it. Don’t be afraid to ask.

10. Within each of us lies a vast well of wisdom. It is a source within the depth of our soul which connects to infinite intelligence and the capacity to heal all our wounds. To access this source and to hear its messages, we must slow down, quiet our minds and go within. Only in the stillness of our being can we recognize the soft ripples of our inner voice and intuition. Learn to trust it. It is always right.

We’ve come a long way. I am thankful.
I smiled back and said, “Let’s do that! That’s a great idea.”

Here’s to a year (and a life time) dedicated to happiness–where we shall focus on the good in our lives, cut out gossiping and criticizing others, create healthy habits, work on meaningful projects, dream about future creations, go on dates and spent more quality time as a family.

If I had to choose, the most important life lesson is summarized to this: Life is so short. What’s happened is already in the past. The future is here for us to create. The power is in this moment. In this moment, we have the choice to create painful memories from the past, or we can create a beautiful tomorrow. You have that power.

A beautiful life is closer than we think. It’s already here … if we choose to see it.

After all, Twenty-four brand new hours are before me, what joyful experiences will I choose next?

[NG] 廣東新聞台︰鄺紹良「我就係人面獸心」



內地女老闆 哭出幾億銀     認證微博在10月17日22點發微博稱,“一上市公司老板,女,當過教師,后經商,生意做大,夢想上市。在證監會發審委的那間小屋子里聲淚俱下,證監會官員跟發審委員面對一個女強人突如其來的眼淚,眾人驚訝,頓生憐惜之心。毫無科技含量的一公司在眼淚的轟炸之下,成功過會。”





(鄭文良 實習編輯)

Line Dance - Moonlight Lady



Line Dance - Pretty



Last night,
met a young Chinese girl who wore a T-shirt with the sentence written like this:

My daughter got accepted by the US Army,

All I got was this T-Shirt,


Movie - Dying Young

Remember I watched this movie in Berea, and I love the music immediately!

Movie - Notting Hill

Love the movie and the music, even though watched it long time ago.





Restaurant Tower 360 - Mostra Gastronómica da Lusofonia

Lunch at Restaurant Tower yesterday.
It was my first time eating there,
since several times I planned to eat there,
the weather was very bad and disallowed us to go up to enjoy the meals,
thus only taking the meals on 4/F instead.

The weather was pretty good yesterday,
I could enjoy the beautiful Macau,
 in different angles!
Comparing with the international food,
with the special views,
I think the price is reasonable.

Mostra Gastronómica da Lusofonia : de 20 a 30 de Outubro, entre as 11h30 e as 15h00
(almoço) e entre as 18h30 e as 22h00 (jantar), decorre no Restaurante “360º Café”da Torre
de Macau, uma mostra de gastronomia confeccionada por Chefes de Cozinha provenientes
dos países/regiões de língua portuguesa.

Diariamente, 5 Chefes desses países apresentam,alternadamente, as suas especialidades ao almoço e jantar. Pratos como a feijoada brasileira, a moamba de Angola, o Chabéu da Guiné-Bissau, ou ainda o minchi de Macau serão algumas das especialidades a serem apresentadas.

A cerimónia de abertura terá lugar às 12h00 do primeiro dia da mostra. Estarão representados os seguintes Chefes de Cozinha propostos pelas 10 Associações lusófonas locais :

Wilson Aguiar (Angola),
Mário Luís Borges (Brasil),
Eduardo Moreira (Cabo Verde),
Lídia Maria Morais dos Santos (Guiné-Bissau),
João Francisco Jerónimo Dias (Goa),
Carolina Navarro (Macau),
Carlos Alberto Khan da Graça (Moçambique),
Dário Emanuel Silva Santos (Portugal),
Hirondina da Conceição Rompão (São Tomé e Príncipe)
e Delfina Maria Baptista Guterres (Timor Leste).

Doggie Bag打包

Last night,
went to a banquet for a special event,
it was a Chinese dinner,
but most of the guests were non-Chinese.
There were plenty of food on the table,
with the cultural gap,
the guests could not even touch some of the dishes.

Approaching the dessert time,
the waitress was very kind and asked me if I would like to wrap the food and carry back home,
since she explained that it is the restaurant policy,
no food should be taken out by the staff after work,
all the left over should be treated as trash,
it is really a waste of food.

When I heard of this,
I felt very bad for many people didn't have enough food,
but for this occasion,
a lot of food are wasted on every meal.

As a result,
I didn't mind to carry the doggie bags home,
I just wish that everyone should treasure all the food on the table!

麵包樹 breadfruit (Fruta Pão)

Many years ago,
read the novels of 張小嫻,
one of the novels' name was with one kind of tropical plants - breadfruit 麵包樹,
at that time,
I was curious that one can eat bread without baking,
without spending a lot of time to do the cooking,
just get the nuts from the tree,
one can enjoy the taste of bread,
it is very interesting.

In Africa,
this kind of tree is very common,
since I didn't get the chance to travel in certain parts of Africa,
never get the chance to see or taste it.

with a special occassion,
I got the chance to see the nuts of the breadfruit,
in Macau !
With the aeroplane transportation,
it was so fresh.

After heating the breadfruit inside the oven for a while,
it tastes like bread /potatos,
for me,
it is very special,
but for the people far away from their home country,
it is a taste of their home food!



October is a nice season for travelling,

last week chatted with K about our trip to Paris long time ago,

we spent about 10 days there, 

visiting a lot of museums and locating nice restaurants,

I miss the good time over there,
and if I have chance,
would like to make a second trip there too.



公交线路:乘10、63、297、808、883路在省第二中医院站下;109、110、184路在横枝岗站下; 190、544、561、546路在麓景路站下,或乘地铁五号线在小北站下。
地址: 广州市二沙岛烟雨路38号
公交车线路:89、194 、B21( 原248 ) 、131A 、57 、12

  • 门票价格: 免费

  • 电话:020-84748666

  • 开放时间:08:30~17:30

  • 地址:广州市番禺区沙湾镇紫坭村


    救人婦獲獎5000 盼贈悅悅 女童父感動婉拒﹕無以回報




    茄子跟膽固醇息息相關; 梨和加熱過的梨汁排出體內致癌物質






    茄子,又名落蘇,有青茄、白茄及紫茄三種,性能相同。茄子內含 維生素A、B1、B2、C及脂肪蛋白質等。
    經科學試驗,茄子含有豐富的維生素P;每公斤茄子含維生素P達七千二百毫克 。
    茄子不僅能降低膽固醇、高血壓、軟化血管、而且還! 含! 有抗癌的成份。現代科學已知茄子含有「龍葵素」。

    茄子的吃法,最好不用油炒。可將茄子洗淨切裂縫放於飯鍋中蒸熟,取拌入薑末、麻油等,稍加醋和醬油拌食。 梨和加熱過的梨汁都有加速排出體內致癌物質的功能。



    心想事成的秘密(每日激勵觀想) The Secret to You

    I am grateful to be
    Today is the best day of my life!


    Conan O'Brien, Speech to the Harvard Class of 2000

    I’d like to begin by thanking the class marshals for inviting me here today. The last time I was invited to Harvard it cost me $110,000. So I was reluctant to show up. I’m going to start before I really begin by announcing my one goal this afternoon. I want to be half as funny as tomorrow’s Commencement speaker, moral philosopher and economist Amartya Sen. That’s the job. Must get more laughs than seminal wage-price theoretician. By the way, enjoy that. Bring a calculator. It’s going to be a nerd fest.

    Students of the Harvard class of 2000, 15 years ago I sat where you sit now. And I thought exactly what you are now thinking. What’s going to happen to me? Will I find my place in the world? Am I really graduating a virgin? Still have 24 hours. Roommate’s mom very hot. Swear she’s checking me out. There was that Rob Lowe movie.

    Song - I have nothing

    Share my life, take me for what I am
    Coz I'll never change all my colors for you
    Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
    Just all that you are and everything that you do

    I don't really need to look very much further
    I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
    I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
    Can't run from myself
    There's nowhere to hide

    Well,don't make me close one more door
    I don't wanna hurt anymore
    Stay in my arms if you dare
    Or must I imagine you there
    Don't walk away from me...
    I have nothing, nothing, nothing
    If I don't have you, you, you, you, you, you...

    You see through, right to the heart of me
    You break down my walls with the strength of your love mmmmm...
    I never knew love like I've known it with you
    Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to

    I don't really need to look very much further
    I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
    I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
    I Can't run from myself
    There's nowhere to hide
    Your love I'll remember, forever

    Don't make me close one more door
    I don't wanna hurt anymore
    Stay in my arms if you dare
    Or must I imagine you there
    Don't walk away from me...
    I have nothing, nothing, nothing...

    Well,don't make me close one more door
    I don't wanna hurt anymore
    Stay in my arms if you dare
    Or must I imagine you there
    Don't walk away from me no...
    Don't walk away from me
    Don't you dare walk away from me
    I have nothing, nothing, nothing
    If I don't have you, you
    if i don't have you,oohh... thankyou guys !!!!

    David Foster Wallace Kenyon Speech

    (If anybody feels like perspiring [cough], I'd advise you to go ahead, because I'm sure going to. In fact I'm gonna [mumbles while pulling up his gown and taking out a handkerchief from his pocket].) Greetings ["parents"?] and congratulations to Kenyon's graduating class of 2005. There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says "Morning, boys. How's the water?" And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes "What the hell is water?"

    Time : Top 10 Commencement Speeches

    Forget the kerfuffles over President Obama's talks at Arizona State and Notre Dame. Commencement speeches are one of the great collegiate traditions — and the last lesson students get before entering the real world. Here are TIME's favorites

    Full List
    Graduation Guidance
    1.David Foster Wallace, Kenyon, 2005
    2.Steve Jobs, Stanford, 2005
    3.Conan O'Brien, Harvard (Class Day), 2000
    4.Russell Baker, Connecticut College, 1995
    5.Winston Churchill, Harrow School, 1941
    6.George Marshall, Harvard, 1947
    7.John F. Kennedy, American University, 1963
    8.Bradley Whitford, Wisconsin, 2006
    9.Barbara Kingsolver, Duke, 2008
    10.Stephen Colbert, Knox College, 2006.

    Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,1898670,00.html#ixzz198Kd0ls2

    Song - 童話

    編曲:Taichi Nakamure

    忘了有多久 再沒聽到你
    我想了很久 我開始慌了

    你哭著對我說 童話裏都是騙人的
    也許你不會懂 從你說愛我以後

    我願(要/會)變成童話裏 你愛的那個天使
    張開雙手 變成翅膀守護你
    你要相信 相信我們會像童話故事裏





    食住行-真是民生大事! 今天看見此新聞,且看看大國處理此問題,談何容易? -

    樓市拐點漸現 中央地方博弈 佛山「限購」鬆綁 李克強叫停



    Song - 心動


    有多久沒見你 以為你在哪裡
    原來就住在我心底 陪伴著我的呼吸
    有多遠的距離 以為聞不到你氣息
    誰知道你背影這麼長 回頭就看到你

    過去讓它過去 來不及
    從頭喜歡你 白雲纏繞著藍天

    哦 ~
    也至少給我們懷念的勇氣 擁抱的權利
    好讓你明白 我心動的痕跡

    總是想再見你 還試著打探你消息
    原來你就住在我的身體 守護我的回憶

    Line Dance* - Mama Maria

    Line Dance* - Little Quizas











    心內只有默默的祝福他, 他們及他們的家人,

    Macau's Lusofonia festival brings back China Culture Week


    The annual Lusofonia ("Portuguese-speaking") Festival will this year bring back the China Cultural Week it introduced in 2008, with the double event set to take place across Macau on October 22-29, according to held at the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM).

    The festival will, as always, take place at the Carmo area adjacent to the Taipa Houses Museum.

    The festival, which has grown into a "must-go" event for both locals and tourists, did not include its "China and Portuguese-speaking Countries Cultural Week" segment last year, but the organisers are bringing it back this year by "popular demand," IACM pointed out in a press conference Tuesday.

    Song - 愛你

    作曲:Lupo Groinig, G.E.M.
    編曲/監製:Lupo Groing

    分開以後每個晚上 格外的寂靜
    滴答滴答 剩大鐘在陪着我回憶
    現在只有空氣 冷漠地回應

    OH 給你我的心 能否請你別遺棄
    一句愛你愛你愛你愛你 能否再也不分離
    OH 給你我的心 爲什麽你卻給了我孤寂
    就算愛你愛你愛你愛你 可能你也不想聼

    你的擁抱曾經是 最溫暖最熟悉
    現在一劃一筆 刺在我心裡

    OH 給你我的心 能否請你別遺棄
    (I gave you everything, Never Asked for anything)
    一句愛你愛你愛你愛你 能否再也不分離
    (I wish that you could stay, Ha! It’s just my wishful thinking)
    OH 給你我的心 爲什麽你卻給了我孤寂
    (I gave you everything, But all I got is pain)
    就算愛你愛你愛你愛你 可能你也不想聼 你不想聼
    (Although my heart is bleeding, You still don’t feel a thing)

    回憶 對你最後的回憶
    (回憶 最後的回憶)
    是你 慢慢走遠的身影
    然後你 離開了沒有痕跡
    (然後你 離開)
    然後我 崩潰了放縱哭泣
    (然後我 哭泣)
    恨你恨你 每當我想起曾經
    (恨你 每當我想起你 每當我想起曾經)


    OH 給你我的心 能否請你別遺棄
    (I gave you everything, Never Asked for anything)
    一句愛你愛你愛你愛你 難道你也不想聽
    (I wish that you could stay, Ha! It’s just my wishful thinking)
    OH 給你我的心 爲什麽你卻給了我孤寂
    (I gave you everything, But all I got is pain)
    就算愛你愛你愛你愛你 不值得為你傷心 傷心
    (Although my heart is bleeding, You still don’t feel a thing)

    Your confession remains to be my final pleading,
    But the only thing that’s here with me is tic tac tic tac tic tac tic tac

    Line Dance - Under the Mango Tree

    Line Dance - Korean Waltz


    Oprah Winfrey's & 'Madonna' The Final !

    An inspiration Woman - Oprah Winfrey

    Role model,
    Bright the eyes of others,
    Wealth of compassion,
    Commitment of helping others.

    Everything is possible,
    Fight for the things you believe,

    Never give up.

    Know your own power,
    Dream a bigger dream in life,
    We have the choice and what our life can become !

    Dream   Wish     Wonder    Belief     Hope

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    A tiny dust in the universe.