
Editorial Tang Must Listen to the Public

【明報專訊】CAUGHT in the illegal structures scandal, Henry Tang Ying-yen has come up with lies after lies, and now he has no credibility to speak of. Yet he remains adamant in his refusal to quit the race for Chief Executive. According to the latest survey conducted by the University of Hong Kong, more than half of those polled thought Tang should abandon his campaign. Tang should pull back before it is too late and drop his bid so that the public may be spared unnecessary nightmares, and the election, which ought to focus on the candidates' different political platforms, visions and abilities, may not further deteriorate into a political mud wrestling match. If Tang manages to get himself elected on the strength of the "small circle" election system, his election will only prove to be a time bomb for Hong Kong.
.Since the scandal broke last Monday, callers to phone-in radio programmes, netizens, and scholars have almost without exception made it clear that they are not happy with Tang. The public, always wise and discerning, is vocal in its outrage. Hong Kong people are not prepared to buy Tang's equivocations about the illegal structures, and are scandalised by his attempt to shift the blame onto his wife.
.The upcoming Chief Executive election is to be the last "small-circle" election before 2017, when there will be universal suffrage. It is also the first election with real competition within the establishment camp. Many have hoped that this election would be one in which the candidates will try to outdo each other with their political platforms, administrative strategies, visions, abilities, and campaign teams. It was unfortunate that Tang did not release his platform till a few days before the nomination period started, when the illegal structures in his residence finally came to light despite his denials and attempts to cover up the scandal. And now who would be interested in studying or discussing the political platform of a candidate without the slightest vestige of credibility?
.If Tang perseveres with his campaign, he will still be pestered with questions related to the illegal structures: Why do you keep lying? Why don't you quit the race for Chief Executive? Did you break the law? The candidates' political platforms will most unfortunately be relegated to a position of secondary importance. And if Tang wins the "small-circle" election against the will of the public, the illegal structures scandal will certainly not come to an end, but will continue to have its repercussions in the several years to come, with debilitating effects on society as a whole. His election will therefore prove disastrous to Hong Kong.
明報社評 2011.02.17﹕聽聽港人聲音唐應懸崖勒馬
outdo﹕if you outdo somebody, you do something more or better than him/her.
pester﹕to annoy somebody, especially by asking them something many times
relegate﹕to give somebody a lower or less important position, rank, etc than before
聲檔 english.mingpao.com/critic.htm

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