
Gongbei Border

Sunday morning, I went to Zhuhai. This is the city just next to Macau, but we need to pass two customs - Macau and China.

It was unbelievable, around 10 AM, there were lots of people lining up in the China Immigration Hall.

I usually try to avoid the busy hours, and I think that busy hours should be a little bit earlier, for a lot of tour visitors need to pass the custom.

I haven't faced this occasion for a long time, probably many people choose to spend the holiday in China for tomorrow is the Chong Yeong Festival .

Since there was no clear partition for each electronic custom machine, many people were not in rules and all of us were packed like "sardine" .

I dislike the situation there - a lot of noise and the bad smelling coming from the people, many of them are housewives carrying their "products" or big belongings.

Just don't understand: all of them are holding the China Homecoming Card, that means they are Macau residents. Why most of the time, Macau residents can observe the rules of lining up in Macau, but not in the China Border.

I also found out that some people who were behind me , took advantage of me and got to pass the immigrant faster than I.

Lesson I learned: Next time, I should be tough and will not let others take my place, I should protect my own right!!!,

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