
Jardim Camoes

This is a public garden located in the residential area, where a lot of the residents in this area visit every day. There are always plenty of visitors, from early morning to the evening - senior citizens, kids, teenagers, foreign visitors....

The old garden is fairy large, with some old tress, beautiful flowers and greens. There are several areas in the garden, and at the backyard, there is a small library.

In different areas of the garden, I can see different groups of people.

In the area near the entrance of the garden, usually there are many senior citizens, some of them are in wheel-chairs with the helpers. They enjoy the nature, being away from home, some are happy to talk with old friends, while some of them are usually in silence.

Not far away, Some middle-aged people join together and have their own concert, they usually practise music at certain time of the day. Not to say, the senior citizens enjoy the free concerts.

At the other corner, some people would practise their Tai Chi in the early morning.

All the places in this garden are well used. It seems that the first floor of the garden is for the elderly.

Then, hiking up the steps (not suitable for the elderly people) to the tiny hill side, on the right hand side, there are some paths for walking and jogging.

The other side there is a children playground and a small library. As there are not many choices in this area, parents like to take their little kids to the playground area of the garden. Some kids may be monitored by their Vietnamese housemaids, while most of the helpers join together and talk in their own dialect. The kids are very happy for they can meet their buddies and play together. The housemaids are happy because they can meet their hometown friends and share with update information.

Next to the children corner, some people play badminton in the little space, while some people stay in the air-con. library, to enjoy the newspaper reading.

This is a little world...... there are many kinds of people inside this garden, except the busy people working in the tiny office.

It seems to me that it is better to enjoy the nature when we are young, not until we are sitting on the wheelchairs, going nowhere but only the crowded Jardim Camoes.

My comments on this garden, it is too crowded, Macau should have more leisure places for the citizens, we need good quality of life!

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