

https://hk.finance.yahoo.com/news/  -220723241.html



A. 轉換話題

  1. Id rather talk about something different.我們還是說說其他的話題。
  2. Lets get back to the point/ Lets get back on track. 言歸正傳。
  3. Id prefer not to talk about it now.我現在寧願不談這件事情。
  4. Lets talk about it later. 那件事情以後在談吧。
  5. To change the subject, 換個話題,
  6. Well, all joking aside,好了,開玩笑就到此。
  7. By the way, 順帶一提,
  8. You were saying? 你剛才說著甚麼?
  9. Continue./ Carry on. / Please go on. 繼續說。
  10. That reminds me. 我想起來了。
  11. Im tired of talking.  我不想再說了。
  12. Ive heard the story before./ Youve already told me. 那事情我聽過了。
  13. Lets drop the subject./ Lets drop it.  這件事情不要再說了。

B. 建議暫時休會

  1. Well, we have accomplished a lot. 我們已經取得不少進展。
  2. We can definitely work out the details next time. 我們肯定可以下次再來解決細節問題。
  3. I suggest we take a break. 我建議休息一下。
  4. Lets dismiss and return in 30 minutes.我們休會吧,30分鐘後再回來。
  5. May I suggest we continue tomorrow? 我建議明天再繼續,好嗎?
  6. We can postpone our meeting until tomorrow. 我們可以把會議延遲到明天。
  7. That will eat up a lot of time. 這會耗費很多時間的。

C. 轉換商討議題

1. If you allow me, let me go on to the question of .


2. Now that the issue of . has been dealt with, Im eager to know if you can .?


3. I suggest we have a word about / I suggest we turn to the issue of . .


4. Why dont we hear the comments by everyone present at the meeting first?


5. Im glad that we have arrived at a complete agreement on the clauses discussed so far. Now there remains only the question of .


Frankie Chan

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