
名人教英文﹕What makes great speeches


(明報)2010年3月25日 星期四 05:10
"Think like a man, Look like a girl,
Act like a lady, And work like a slave."
當晚在場的賓客之一Dr Helmut Sohmen(前立法局議員蘇海文博士),以充滿幽默感的賀辭讚揚三位年屆70仍充滿活力及成熟美的女士。我最欣賞他用以下三點來分析她們成功的因素:
"Apart from hard work, dancing, honorary doctorates and many medals, what also binds the three ladies together? For one, I believe it is determination. As Margaret Thatcher once said, 'I have a woman's ability to stick to a job and get on with it even when everyone else walks off and leaves it.'
The second factor might be good judgement, combined with a sense of mission. As Sam Goldwyn once said, 'I am willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong.'
A third factor is imagination, since they have to tell their husbands from time to time how wonderful they are."
不過,代表三位丈夫回應的Michael Thomas(前律政司唐明治)的演辭更精彩,一方面優雅,另一方面又能發揮英語的特質,就是常語帶雙關,要命的幽默。以下兩句就是好例子:
"It is often said that behind every successful man, there is a woman pushing him on to do better. Behind Anson, Ninson and Lydia, you can see for yourselves 3 old men worn out trying to keep up with them."
當然,Lydia代表其他兩名birthday girls作答謝辭時,也不遑多讓,道出了不用怕年齡增長的道理:"I don't think we did anything when we were in our 30's or 40's that we are now not doing-except now we do them with more wisdom, perspective, style and sense of fun."
1. Keep the message simple, make no more than three points
2. Keep the English simple
3. Use suitable quotations
4. Sense of humour (especially self-deprecating (自嘲) humour) always helps

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