
Greyhound Bus

Though I have been living in States for four years, I only took the Greyhound Bus once.

Before taking the bus, I really had hesitation as I heard the experiences from the others that it was not a safe way to travel alone on the bus, especially for a girl (not to mention that if it was night time, it was extremely unsafe. Actually, during that time, there were plenty of rape cases everywhere, college always reminded us not to walk alone on campus at nights).

However, my friend Delois told me that Greyhound Bus was the only transportation for her to go home to Birmingham, Alabama, and she said that it was OK, just be careful and alert all the time in the bus.

That time, and the only time, I could not get a ride and it was in the afternoon time, I didn't want to bother friend to pick me up, therefore I decided to try the famous Greyhound Bus for the first time.

It was kind of normal travel experience, from Lexington back to Berea.

The driver was very polite, I confirmed with him the destination and took the seat near him.

The journey was pleasant (the cabin was comfortable and clean!!!!) and I went back to my dorm safely before the evening.

This was the only riding experience in the Greyhound Bus I had during my college life.

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