

典型的茶餐厅,葡式蛋挞,  豬扒飽..............

Last night around 11PM, in the Central area-  Largo de Amizade , we were looking for places to have a drink or snack, accidentally, saw the Macau Restaurant ( typrically cafe restaurant famous for milk tea, portuguese egg tart, pork chop bun ) was still opened, thus had a light snack over there.

I heard the waitree told the other customers that the shop opens until 3AM, what a good place for the night people, other than McDonald.

From time to time, customers entered into the restaurant.

This was the second time I ate there. The food was good, and I liked it very much, but I hate the people smoked in the restaurant.

We had congee, dumplings and pork chop bun, all were excellent.  From the menu, there are plenty of choices - from sandwiches, drinks, noodles, rice, ice-creams and some expensive and delicious dishes - like abalone and crabs etc.

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