
7 Uplifting Messages to Brighten Your Day When Life Gets Tough


1. Every time you fall down, you’re in the best position to rise.

As Dale Carnegie said: “Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” While it’s easy to get lost in a sea of negative thoughts and emotions, we can use our mistakes and struggles as stepping stones to positive transformation.

2. With hope, anything is possible.

Hope builds the humble confidence that life is beautiful regardless of its trials. There’s a quiet joy that blossoms from the soul when we leave space for hope to fill our hearts. We can face our challenges with peace knowing that everything will eventually turn out how it’s meant to turn out.
Hold onto hope and use it to guide you higher, above the small thoughts of worry and doubt, on the wings of trust and love.

3. One small step in the right direction is exactly what it takes to create momentum.

Every small thought we think begins to snowball into the life we are to live. One small positive thought, and every negative thought we refute, begins to move us toward the light. I’ve begun to wonder whether there’s such a thing as small things, for even the tiniest miracles are miraculous.
That little thing you can do right now, in this moment’s glimpse of eternity, is all you need to begin your journey forward. Don’t discount it.

4. Each difficulty holds an opportunity within it.

There, in the middle of the storm, you can feel the sunlight. In the places we often overlook and in the moments when all we can see is darkness, there’s something else for us to see. There’s a treasure to be found in the ruins. Difficulties can serve us by moving us forward, if we so choose to see the possibility they’re pointing us to.

5. Creativity is your nature and it can save you from stress.

James Allen once said: “The dreamers are the saviors of the world.”

By getting in touch with our creativity–through painting, coloring, singing, dancing, planting flowers, walking in nature, practicing yoga, building things–we get closer to our free-spirited, lighthearted nature. We can color our sky with the dreams in our heart if we focus our attention on them.
Today, do anything that makes you feel more in tune with the beauty of life. You’re creative because you’re a human being, so what do you want to create? You may simply dream of being happy, and that’s a dream worth shaping your day around.

6. Just beyond the clouds, always, is the sun.

The loudest thunder, the darkest cloud, and the fiercest wind cannot drown out the sun. There’s hope and light just outside of what you’re seeing right now. We can always, always rise above the storm and there would we find the sun still shining on us.

7. None of us make 100% of our shots, but we will win if we dare to fail.

Michael Jordan attributed his success to the fact that he “failed over and over and over again” in his life. Mahatma Gandhi concluded this: “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”

We must dare to dream, we must dare to fail, and only then and often through our mistakes will we be able to find personal freedom in our ventures. In my opinion, freedom is the ultimate success.

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