
In a Baby's eye

in a baby's eyes chris lipps的圖片搜尋結果

 熟悉的面孔有Connie, 我的好友,
Matha (Nursing Major), 及Chris(Connie家鄉的童年好友)

 那次是Chris與好友駕車到Berea 探望Connie,

Chris是legally blind,
I was surprised,
as he looked so normal to me.

Connie explained to me that
he got blind when he was small.
Thus he could not drive,
and whenever he needed to go out of town,
he needed someone 'e help.

We enjoyed the gathering very much,
Chris could not drive,
he needed a ride to visit friends,
and after that,
because we were all busy,
and we never have the chance to meet again.

Glad to see the pictures,
and got some update news from them.

They said they are still goffy!!

I also learned Chris 's story,
as after so many years,
he wrote his book,
about his life experience.

How many disabled or child abuse victims can you think of who can honestly say they are living the greatest life and feel as though they are making a difference in the world? Well, let me introduce one to you because I am just that person, who started late not because I was child abused by my real mother and made legally blind, but because I never realized my potential until I started listening to the voice of God. This book is not about the abuse that left me for dead or the anger that I could have let rule my life, but this book is about being more than my circumstances. If you are a child abuse victim, have a disability, want to work with children, want to forgive and don't know how to start, or even if you are afraid of going back to school, this is a book you need to read! Fulfilling your calling and allowing spiritual vision to guide you is much more powerful than physical vision ever could be.


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