當忙得透不過氣時,如果同事還喋喋不休地請你幫忙,問東問西,煩躁的你巴不得想他立即滾開,可是說 “Go away!”肯定不合適(雖然這可能是你的心底話)。這時,說一句“Could you give me five minutes?”會讓對方明白你正在忙碌,暫時沒空幫忙,但同時又不會冒犯到對方。因此,選擇適當的禮貌用語,會大大影響我們在職場的人際關係。而在外國企業文化中,即使是上司,在要求下屬完成某些任務時,一般都不會呼呼喝喝,而是禮貌地使用以下較客氣的句式:
1. Would you…?
- Would you finish the report by 6pm today?
- Would you come back earlier tomorrow for the meeting?
2.Would you like…?
- Would you like a coffee before the meeting starts?
- Would you like to join us for dinner after work?
- Would you like to finish off the budget report before you get off work?
3. Would you mind (doing something)?
- Would you mind coming back for a short meeting on the weekend?
4. I wonder if you would…
- I wonder if you would double-check the rundown.
5. I would be grateful if…
- I would be grateful if you could let me know in advance.
6. I would appreciate if…
- I would appreciate if you could proofread my email before I send it out.
但請注意,若在職場上聽到這些句式,便理所當然地以為對方真的在徵求你的同意,那未免太天真、太年輕了。我們必須分辨清楚它們是請求還是要求,例如:“I wonder if you could do me a favour by posting the letter on your way home.”,在這句話中,明顯是請求你的幫忙,希望你能為他順便寄信。
而這句“Will you follow me and go this way, please?”,「要求」的意味則較濃厚,顯然不是一個請求的問句,而是希望對方跟著他走的一種客氣說法。只有清楚了解這些,才不會造成誤會。
1. I’m sorry, but may I interrupt you for a second?
2. If you don’t mind, may I say a word here?
3. Excuse me for interrupting you.
4. Sorry for interrupting, but I would like to…
5. Just a moment please. I’d like to say something about the issue.

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