


(明報)2010年5月10日 星期一 05:10

話說非利士人和以色列人對壘,派出巨人歌利亞罵陣,年輕的大衛勇敢應戰,以機弦投石,殺死歌利亞。因此,後世以David and Goliath形容以小勝大、以弱制強。例如,非牟利機構Mozilla基金會開發瀏覽器Firefox,成功挑戰微軟瀏覽器Internet Explorer,我們可以說:Mozilla Firefox plays David to Internet Explorer's Goliath.

大衛及後成為以色列的王,由兒子所羅門繼位。所羅門以智慧著名,《列王記》記述,有兩個婦人同時聲稱是一個嬰兒的生母,在所羅門面前爭持不下,所羅門便下令把嬰兒劈開兩半,其中一個婦人聽了,立刻求所羅門收回命令,寧願嬰兒活著送給別人,顯示她真心關愛這個嬰孩。所羅門憑此判斷這才是嬰兒的生母。因此,英文中以the wisdom of Solomon比喻高度智慧,如:It would take the wisdom of Solomon to settle the dispute over the proposed relocation of the drug rehabilitation school to Mui Wo.



You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth中譯「以眼還眼,以牙還牙」,近義的用語包括tit for tat和拉丁語quid pro quo,例如:The Republicans accused the Democrats of cheating in the elections. As tit for tat, the Democrats filed a complaint against the Republican Party for exceeding the campaign spending limits.《新約》不認同這種做法,講求包容,罪人也可以得到上帝赦免。




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