
College Post Office - CPO 384

In Berea, we have our own college post office, but I never met the postmen, for each of us got our own mail box and the staff inside the college post office distributed directly all our mails to our boxes.

CPO opened almost everyday, and also till very late in the evening, I liked to stop by the office whenever I went to food service for meals or passed by the area.

As during that time, we didn't have Internet, and all the updated information would through the memo/notices left in our mail box. My box No. was easy to remember - CPO 384, I liked the number very much, it was randomly given by the office to the freshman when one first arrival to the college.

I had a very good location for my box, as it was almost near the central area and closed to the office staff, I didn't need to climb or bent on my knees to open the box.

Students needed not to use the key to open the box but use a combination of password to unlock it - this was like a magic code as all the students and professors must have one for their boxes!

I liked to check my mail box very much, for I could always find some news from it - pay check, magazines, notices, bank statements, advertising brochures, coupons, letters........

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