
遲覆email Template

一. 對方有所請求
Dear XXX,
Last month, you asked me if I knew (事件), and I apologize for not answering sooner. Are you still hoping to(事件)? I just discovered a couple people who might be helpful. Let me know if you want me to make some introductions.
And if there’s anything else I can do for you, just ask. I promise I’ll try to be quicker next time!
Your name
二. 告知對方沒有得到offer
My sincere apologies for the slow reply; I’d hoped to get back to you sooner. We very much enjoyed having you here for the job interview, as well as our conversation over lunch, but have decided to move forward with another candidate.
Given your extensive credentials and sterling reputation, we’d love to keep you in mind for other positions that might open up in the future. I’d also be happy to refer you to others in the industry who might be hiring. Let me know if I can put you in touch.
Your name
三.  告知對方合作計劃中止
Dear YYY,
I hope you’re doing well. My sincerest apologies for not getting back to you about the cooperation sooner. After thinking it over, our team doesn’t think this will work out— (不能合作的原因).
However, you’re clearly talented and motivated, and I’d be more than happy to see if I know anyone at another company who could use your product. Let me know if you’re interested.
Your name
如何判斷哪些遲覆訊息要不要say sorry,背後其實反映了更重要的判斷力,就是判斷email/訊息的重要程度、優先次序。在今天日日都受whatsapp、email轟炸的職場環境中,分清哪些是要馬上回覆、哪些可以等、哪些不用回覆,才是每個打工仔都必須首先學會的職場101。
(資料來源:Ladders, Grammarly)

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