
Resignation Letter Sample (English) 英文辭職信範本




Dear [boss’ name],
Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as [position name] for [organisation name]. My last day of employment will be [date].

(Optional: 如你想說明離職原因)
After much consideration, I feel it is time to move on to new challenges and [have accepted a position elsewhere / plan to embark on further studies to pursue my interest in xxx]. I look forward to the new direction of my [career / life], though I will miss being part of our team and the company. /
[I have decided to stay home with my child for the first few years after her birth / Unfortunately, I have important issues to take care of at this time], and I will be unable to fulfill my duties to the company. Therefore, I feel it would be best for the company that I vacate the position.

(Optional: 如你需要縮短離職通知期)

Although my employment contract states a month’s notice, I would like to request that this be reduced to [2 weeks], completing my employment on [date]. I apologise for not being able to give more notice, this is [due to family reasons / due to circumstances beyond my control / because my new employer would like me to start as soon as possible]. I assure you that I will do everything necessary to provide a smooth handover of all work to colleagues.

Thank you for the support and opportunities that I have been given at [organisation name] during the past [4 years]. I have sincerely enjoyed working for the team and appreciate the professional development I have received.

I wish you and the company all the best. I hope our paths will cross again in the future.

Yours sincerely,




  1. 太多批評:辭職信中是可以說明自己離開公司的原因,即使想要坦白說是薪金太低、沒有晉升機會也無不可,但應保持禮貌的語氣。切記人事部是會把這封信白紙黑字永久保存,將來的新公司更有可能會聯絡舊公司作reference check,因此不要在信中數落公司、老闆和同事的不是;牢騷的說話用口說就算了。
  2. 透露去向:你沒必要在辭職信中交待自己之後會到甚麼公司工作、有多少薪金。
  3. 跳「草裙舞」:有些人會在遞交辭職信的同時要脅公司給予升職或加薪(要比新公司的offer更好),以換取自己繼續留任。有時候公司考慮到該同事正在跟進重要的任務,權宜之下也會答應條件,可是此後對該同事的印象和信任必然會蕩然無存;同時,新公司也會覺得接受了offer又取消的人很不負責任。如果想要求升職加薪,應該是於在職的時候提出。

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