
10 Habits Of People Who Look Younger Than They Actually Are. - Josh Starling


Most people on earth are trying to look, feel, and be seen as younger than they really are. It’s a natural thing to fight the effects of years gone by. But it’s important to remember, the years to come are a blessing all their own.

We thought long and hard on the right way to approach the years to come in a healthy way and wrote the list below. You will find 10 tips on living agelessly that will help your body and your mind. We hope it gives you joy to know, no matter your age, you are beautiful inside and out.
  1. You are beautiful and unique. Why should the aging process be any different?

    • Life is a process of growing into your skin. There is something beautiful about a lifestyle that changes slowly, but surely – like the faces of the ones you love. People that live their lives this way shine with a love for life only rivaled by the free and young.
      No matter your age, living free and young at heart is the ticket to looking younger than your number.
  2. Spice up your diet!

    • Nowadays, innovative new recipes are only a Google search away. There are dozens of ways to cook up old favorites that’ll have you happier with your diet and healthier than ever before.
      What better way to live younger than your age than pulling a Mrs. Doubtfire and shaking things up a little bit?
  3. Sing a song or two!

    Lots of us sing along with our favorite songs in the car, but why not try and be like the birds? They sing their own melodies day in and day out. Everyone has the potential to  be a songwriter, give your pipes a try today!
    There’s nothing like singing in the rain to help you age carefree and young at heart.
  4. Spend more time with your dog.

    • This may seem a funny way to keep an ageless perspective, but spending quality time with your dog is a great way to maintain a youthful place in the world.
      What could be better for the soul than time spent with your best friend?!
  5. Get plenty of shuteye!

    Most of us are walking around with an enormous sleep deficit that seems impossible to catch up on. But there is hope!
    Short naps throughout the day are proven to boost your health and mood. Just make sure to get at least 7 hours sleep that night and you will be ready to roll every morning.
  6. Consider the faith factor.

    • Faith in a higher power has been scientifically proven to add a few years onto even the layman’s life.
      The inclination to let go of things like bitterness and unforgiveness has a huge impact on your physical body, mind, and quality of life. Even if it’s been a few years, check out a church near you this weekend!
  7. Never lose your sense of humor.

    • 3 times out of 5 I am the only one that laughs at my jokes. The best part? I’m perfectly ok with it.
      Even when it’s only you who’s amused, laugh it up anyway! A lighthearted attitude is a key to a happy and healthy life.
  8. Staying active can be hard, but it is necessary.

    • Everyone I know -including myself- goes through bouts of lethargy. Life will tire you out in a hurry if you let it get you down.
      Staying active is a great way to manage stress when it really does become too much to handle. Don’t forget this tool when you begin to feel overwhelmed!
  9. What you're reading right now is helping you feel younger!

    • Reading and consuming content, yes even on the internet, is proven to sharpen the mind in dozens of areas. Dive into your favorite book every day and treat yourself to an InspireMore story or two to help keep the mind machine in tune!
  10. Be the real you!

    When you’re with your closest friends and family, chances are you pipe up during conversation and aren’t afraid to be yourself in any way. Why is it so hard to be real with new friends or coworkers? Usually, we just make it hard on ourselves.
    Be yourself, keep a light heart and love everyone like you want to be loved. These are the keys to a long, happy and healthy life on this beautiful place called earth.
    Share these nuggets of wisdom with your friends today!

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