
Li Keqiang's visit

【明報專訊】One's comments on a certain issue may represent one's interests and values. Can you identify these people's values by referring to their reactions to the following incident in question? What motivated them to act as they did?

■The incident

On August 16, Vice-Premier Li Keqiang (國務院副總理李克強) began his 3-day official visit in Hong Kong, bringing with him policies favourable to the SAR, which he regarded as a gift. Li's visit was expected to endear (使其受愛戴) him to Hong Kong citizens. During his visit, over 2,000 police officers were called out to ensure his safety.

The last day he was here, Li attended the centenary (百周年) ceremony of the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He emphasised his visit was not political. Representatives of HKU students showed the Vice-Premier around and took him to some of the university's important monuments. Li also met with Prof Jao Tsung-I (國學大師饒宗頤), a scholar who has contributed much to the humanities including literature and history.

During Li's visit, unusually tight security measures were taken to keep him safe. A group of university students who demonstrated to express their views on the June 4 incident complained the protest area was too distant from the venue of the ceremony. They said it was hard for Li to notice or hear them. Three students were kept at a stairwell (樓梯間) by some police officers, who they claimed had falsely imprisoned (非法禁錮) them. HKU was criticised for giving up its autonomy (自主).

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