
Penguin Book Of 20th Century Speeches

Brian MacArthur, Penguin 2000.


Table of Contents


`The doctrine of the strenuous life' (1899) Theodore Roosevelt

`Methods of barbarism' (1901) Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman

`Socialism' (1901) Keir Hardie

`I believe in a British Empire and I do not believe in a Little England' (1903) Joseph Chamberlain

`I warn the Government' (1906) F. E. Smith

Lord Birkenhead `The men with the muck-rakes' (1906) Theodore Roosevelt

`The plight of women' (1908) Emmeline Pankhurst

`The People's Budget' (1909) David Lloyd George

`We are in for rough weather' (1909) David Lloyd George

`The new nationalism' (1910) Theodore Roosevelt

`Freedom or death' (1913) Emmeline Pankhurst

`Ulster is asking to be let alone' (1914) Edward Carson

`The great pinnacle of sacrifice' (1914) David Lloyd George

`Ireland unfree shall never be at peace' (1915) Patrick Pearse

`There is no salvation for India' (1916) Mahatma Gandhi

Proclamation of the Irish Republic `Ireland summons her children to the flag' (1916)

`In Ireland alone, in this twentieth century, is loyalty held to be a crime' (1916) Roger Casement

`The world must be made safe for democracy' (1917) Woodrow Wilson

`A new phase in the history of Russia begins' (1917) V. I. Lenin

`The dustbin of history' (1917) Leon Trotsky

`We need an army' (1918) Leon Trotsky

`While there is a lower class, I am in it' (1918) Eugene V. Debs

`A fit country for heroes to live in' (1918) David Lloyd George

`American I was born' (1919) Henry Cabot Lodge

`Man will see the truth' (1919) Woodrow Wilson

`A man as low and mean as I can picture' (1919) Alfred E. Smith

`The eyes of the whole Empire are on Ireland today' (1921) George

`Non-violence is the first article of my faith' (1922) Mahatma Gandhi

`A message to every land where the Jewish race is scattered' (1922) A. J. Balfour

`The sounds of England' (1924) Stanley Baldwin

`The life of the Negro race has been a life of tragedy' (1926) Clarence Darrow

`I am never be guilty, never' (1927) Nicola Sacco Bartolomeo Vanzetti

`Rugged individualism' (1928) Herbert Hoover

`The nation has to be mobilized' (1930) Oswald Mosley

`We are not on trial' (1930) Ramsay MacDonald

`Either we do it-or they crush us' (1931) Joseph Stalin

`Bolshevism run mad' (1931) Philip Snowden

`An indomitable aggressive spirit' (1932) Adolf Hitler

`The bomber will always get through' (1932) Stanley Baldwin

`The only thing we have to fear is fear itself' (1933) Franklin Delano Roosevelt

`The supreme justiciar of the German people' (1934) Adolf Hitler

`England again dares to be great' (1935) Oswald Mosley

`They shall not pass' (1936) La Pasionaria Dolores Ibarruri

`The forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match' (1936) Franklin Delano Roosevelt

`The locust years' (1936) Winston Churchill

`I shall always trust the instincts of our democratic people' (1936) Stanley Baldwin

`The Jews carry Palestine in their hearts' (1936) Chaim Weizmann

`I have determined to renounce the Throne' (1936) Edward

`The House today is a theatre which is being watched by the whole world' (1936)Stanley Baldwin

`God Save the King' (1936) Edward

`I stake my life' (1937) Leon Trotsky

`The oppression is growing' (1937) Martin Niemoller

`My patience is now at an end' (1938) Adolf Hitler

`Peace for our time' (1938) Neville Chamberlain

`My head erect' (1938) Duff Cooper

`A total and unmitigated defeat' (1938) Winston Churchill

`Is this an attempt to dominate the world by force?' (1939) Neville Chamberlain

`This country is at war with Germany' (1939) Neville Chamberlain

`In the name of God, go' (1940) Leo Amery

`Sacrifice the seals of office' (1940) David Lloyd George

`I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat' (1940) Winston Chruchill

`Be ye men of valour' (1940) Winston Churchill

`This was their finest General Bernard Montgomery

`Give me your children' (1942) Chaim Rumkowski

`The vision of such an Ireland' (1943) Eamon de Valera

`That son of a bitch Patton again' (1943--4) General George Patton

`Obliteration is not a justifiable act of war' (1944) Bishop George Bell

`Our deep moral dependence' (1945) J. Robert OppeThe end of a thousand years of history' (1962)

Hugh Gaitskell

`Ich bin ein Berliner' (1963) John F. Kennedy

`Never glad confident morning again' (1963) Nigel Birch

`I have a dream' (1963) Martin Luther King

`The white heat of technology' (1963) Harold Wilson

`Let us continue' (1963) Lyndon B. Johnson

`An ideal for which I am prepared to die' (1964) Nelson Mandela

`The Great Society' (1964) Lyndon B. Johnson

`Extremism in defence of liberty is no vice' (1964) Barry Goldwater

`A time for choosing' (1964) Ronald Reagan

`More African than American' (1965) Malcolm

`We shall overcome' (1965) Lyndon B. Johnson

`This is the goal' (1966) Roy Jenkins

`A tiny ripple of hope' (1966) Robert Kennedy

`The decent opinion of mankind' (1967) Eugene McCarthy

`We will be free' (1968) Melina Mercouri

`I shall not seek nor will I accept nomination as your president' (1968) Lyndon B. Johnson

`I seem to see ``the River Tiber foaming with much blood''' (1968) Enoch Powell

`The time has come for an honest government' (1968) Richard Nixon

`A woman's civil right' (1969) Betty Friedan

`Millions will rejoice' (1971) Edward Heath

`Au revoir' (1974) Richard Nixon

`Our human stock is threatened' (1974) Sir Keith Joseph

`Let me give you my vision' (1975) Margaret Thatcher

`Hate, ignorance and evil' (1975) Chaim Herzog

`The red flame of Socialist courage' (1976) Michael Foot

`What is the joy about?' (1978) Alexander Solzhenitsyn

`Home Thoughts from Abroad' (1979) Roy Jenkins

`The dream shall never die' (1980) Edward Kennedy

`We are reaping the whirlwind of all our yesterdays' (1981) Michael Heseltine

`The Falklands Factor' (1982) Margaret Thatcher

`Our neighbours are indeed like us' (1982) Robert Runcie

`I warn you' (1983) Neil Kinnock

`We do not want a Poland which costs us nothing' (1983) Pope John Paul

`The great she-elephant, she who must be obeyed' (1984) Denis Healey

`A monstrous carbuncle' (1984) Prince Charles

`Let us make a vow to the dead' (1984) Ronald Reagan

`You can't play politics with people's jobs' (1985) Neil Kinnock

`The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted' (1986) Ronald Reagan

`Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to univ
ersity?' (1987) Neil Kinnock

`Now is the time' (1988) Edward Kennedy

`Keep hope alive' (1988) Jesse Jackson

`The frontiers of the State' (1988) Margaret Thatcher

`A contaminated moral environment' (1990) Vaclav Havel

`Our march to freedom is irreversible' (1990) Nelson Mandela

`A conflict of loyalty' (1990) Sir Geoffrey Howe

`I cannot hand away powers lent to me' (1991) Tony Benn

`What is my single life worth?' (1991) Salman Rushdie

`Annus Horribilis' (1992) Queen Elizabeth

`If Martin Luther King were to reappear' (1993) Bill Clinton

`Let freedom reign' (1994) Nelson Mandela

`A modern constitution' (1994) Tony Blair

`Listen to the silent screams' (1995) Elie Wiesel

`The most hunted person of the modern age' (1997) Earl Spencer

`A beacon to the world' (1997) Tony Blair

`The causes of defeat' (1997) Michael Portillo

`May they rest in peace' (1998) Boris Yeltsin

`This has hurt too many innocent people' (1998) Bill Clinton

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