
How to Be a Leader With Less Stress


Create an Advisory Board  or join a “mastermind” group of fellow CEOs. Feedback from advisory board leaders who have done this has been very positive. Having a forum to talk about your issues with others who have “been there” is an invaluable tool for reducing stress.
De-stress your workplace. Easier said than done, but take the time to think about how to do this. Make the space more beautiful, eliminate piles, add color, order flowers regularly, have a caterer provide lunch sometimes. Add fun, encourage smiles celebrate birthdays. Create an employee recognition circle. Do whatever possible to make the actual workspace less stressful.

Meditation. This can make many of us cringe or think “woo-woo.” But for CEOs who are open to it, it can work wonders. Another way to think about this is that we all have such busy minds and busy days, and this is the opportunity to take 20 minutes and just be quiet. There are guided meditations, classes, or get guidance from a spiritual advisor or coach. One CEO reports taking the 20 minutes out of his schedule and tossing a soft stress release ball against the wall in his office. Whatever works!

Fitness. Put it on the schedule. Work with a trainer or play tennis with a partner or join a basketball league. Just make it happen. Most days. It’s important.

Laughing. It really is the best medicine. How can youngest people and things around you that encourage you to laugh more?

Hire a coach. For some CEOs it is a good option to find someone who can offer support one-on-one. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, was quoted as saying his best advice to CEOs was “have a coach.”

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