
【商業英語】實戰談判必學24句(Frankie Chan)


  1. The purpose of my coming here is to enquire about possibilities of establishing business relations with your company. 我此行的目的,正是想查詢有關與貴公司建立商務關係的可能性。
  2. I can assure you of our close cooperation我能保證我們之間的緊密合作。
  3. Your desire coincides with ours. 我們雙方的意願都是一致的。
  4. We’ll surely both come out from this meeting as winners. 這次會談的結果肯定是雙贏。
  5. I hope this meeting will be a productive one. 我希望這會是一個有成效的會談。
  1. I’m sure there’s some room for negotiation. 我肯定還有商量的餘地。
  2. Thanks for reminding us. 謝謝你的提醒。
  3. Our position on the issue is very straightforward yet firm. 我們對於這問題的立場很直接而且堅定。
  4. I still can’t say for certain off-hand. 我現在還不能馬上說定。
  5. As much as we’d like to, I’m afraid that it won’t be possible. 儘管我們很想這樣做,但恐怕不可能了。 
  6. If you have any questions on the details, please feel free to ask. 如果對某些細節有問題的話,請隨時提出來。
  1. I know I can count on you. 我知道我可以相信你。
  2. Trust me. 請相信我吧。
  3. That’s only temporary, definitely not in the long run這只是暫時性的,長遠來說絕對並不是這樣的。
  4. Let me explain to you why. 讓我解釋一下原因。
  5. Let’s compromise, shall we? 我們還是各退一步吧。
  6. Let’s negotiate the price, shall we? 讓我們來商討一下價錢吧。
  7. It depends on what you really want here.  那要視乎你的真正需要。
  8. The longer we wait, the less likely we’ll come up with anything concrete. 時間拖得愈久,我們達到實際共識的機會就愈少。 
  9. Is this negotiable at all? 這還有商量的餘地嗎?
  10. We do have another plan actually. 我們確實還有另一個計劃。
  11. We could certainly add it to the agenda as well. 我們當然可以把它也加在議程上。
  1. You’ve got a deal! 成交!
  2. Let’s shake on it! 讓我們握手表示意見一致。

Frankie Chan

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