
It takes many years to understand these eight statements

Read this article over Internet, I really think they are very meaningful statements, thus, I try to translate into English (it is only a roughly translation)-

How many years for you to understand the following eight statements.

一、若愛,請深愛。放棄, 請徹底。等待,本身就是一個錯誤......不要輕易放棄本不該放棄的,也不要固執的堅持不該堅持的。
1. If you love someone, please make yourself completely in love with him/her. If you give up something, make sure it is 100% doing so. Waiting itself is a mistake, don't give up easily if it is not worth it, and don't be stubborn to keep on holding it if it is not worth to hold it forever.

2. Think widely, then, the chance to get hurt will be slimmer. If a person doesn't care on hurting you, he/she would not care whether you cry. Therefore, no need to cry anymore, wash your face, brush your teeth, do whatever you want...

3. For many kinds of things, we experience, then we understand, e.g. love - we regret that we miss it, then, we know that we need not to have so many unnecessary principles or rules....

四、秋天,殘忍的季節,成熟不成熟的都要一同收割。一切都會在秋冬交替的剎那間隨風而逝,唯有那一泓鮮亮山溪般的記憶永遠在我心中嘩嘩流動... ...
4. Fall is a cruel season, no matter whether the fruits are ripen or not, all of them should be collected. All will be gone during the transition from fall to winter, in such a quick moment, the only thing still alive in my mind, like the stream in the hill side, is my memory...

5. Treasure the happiness in hand, don't wait until you lose it, may be, in your life, there is only one person who loves you so deeply...

6. Life is like a train, there are so many different kinds of people coming in and going out in the train, passing by you. You may meet many people by chances, in fate, but when the train stops, there are always people getting in or out, when you walk out to greet them, and turn back, you can only remember that, there is only a path back to your home....

7. For some people, you be with them for your whole life, but may be you overlook them for the whole life. Some people you meet them once, but they influence your whole life. Some people are eagerly to make you happy, but are turned down by you. Some people only make you  a very short sweet moment, but occupy your heart wholly. Some people are willing to wait for you for n years, but get rejected for n year....

八、不要欠朋友太多東西,因為你可能永遠都沒有機會還他......經歷過的永遠不會從來 擁有的只有回憶。朋友請珍惜身邊所擁有的一切吧 !
8. Don't borrow many things from your friends, because you may never get the chance to return them... The experiences will never come back again, the only thing you own is memory. Therefore, dear friends, treasure all you have in your life!

中文轉貼自: http://cclccl-life.blogspot.com/2011/06/blog-post_4423.html#ixzz1TaGUZoMK

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