
Weekend - June 12/13 2010.

This weekend 's weather was not good, still I did a lot of outdoor activities and had a good time.

As usual, I like to see around and listen around.

1. In Macau border, there is a sign indicating no waiting, still, plenty of mainland tourists stayed there for group gathering, the sign is useless.

2. The elevator for going up/down to the underground mall in Gongbei usually are out of service in the morning.

3. I didn't follow the usual way and I discover another way to go to 三鄉, interesting findings, (31+11), though the time is a little bit longer, but I think it is a good experience,"when in Rome, do as the Roman do".

4. A girl told me the secret to do shopping in the underground mall - the offering price should be one half of the asking price minus 10%.

5. Back home on the bus in Macau, two housewives were talking about the vegetable prices of Zhuhai and Macau - for a small quantities of vegetables, e.g. the bitter cucumber, after considering the exchange, there is no big difference.

6. Sunday morning, after having waited for 1.5 hours for Iam Cha in Tou Tou Koi, I still enjoy the food and the service there ( though this morning, one dish was too salty and the other dish - chicken feet was not well cooked as usual, I have high expectation that it should keep the quality) Actually, this morning, I enjoyed the Wan Ton chicken soup very much ( since first time I saw from the menu - it can be ordered in half -portion, for two persons, need not to get plenty of people to share this delicious soup). At the same time, I could see several acquainted customers waited in upstairs instead of downstairs - that means they were cheating in the queueing system!! - I always think how we can discover an intelligent system to wait for the table for Yam cha as it is very costly to waste the time. though I can reserve a table, but usually, the time is too early - I would sleep more and do some shopping before having Yam Cha.

7. Went to cultural centre to see the exhibition, my father and I enjoyed it very much, as he said that he has several collections of the works by the artists. I think I like the works by Kuok Se and George Chinnery.

8. Sunday afternoon, in Nape, outside the "Free Cafe", there was a car parking in the bus stop, a traffic policeman passed-by and issued the ticket, then, when he was ready to leave, the lady came out. Her food was very expensive, with the ticket price.

9. There are many activities this weekend, and I could not afford to go all - I would like to go to the gallery to see the history of Avenida Almeida Ribeira ( San Ma Lou), and I would also like to see the Lotus flowers in Lou Lim Ieoc Garden, I can't make it :(

10. Went to library, and checked out some books - happy reading.

11. Forget to get the rice dumplings which my father has bought the coupon - need to go the shop tomorrow- for tomorrow will be the last day to get it. The dragon boat festival is around - Wednesday.

The weekend is over, looking forward to have the public holiday on Wednesday!!

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