
Medical Mission Trip to China愛心醫療隊興寧之旅2010.4.18-23


I enjoyed the trip very much as I could meet many nice people and I was moved by their kind hearts and their professional skills ( I wish I also worked in the medical field so that I could do more). Nevertheless, all of us came with the same objective, used our time to help the people in needs.

There were altogether 31 persons in the team, four came from the States - Kristen, John, Georgia and Kathryn.

We had Doctors, surgical doctor, general family doctors, dentist, physical therapy, nurses, professional translator....

We visited the local hospitals and clinic center, as well as the schools in towns.

Our work divided into three groups - one was medical team (the doctors helped to see the patients and exchange knowledge with the doctors of local hosptal), the second one was educational team (to give lessons about hygienics, correct postures, sexual knowledge etc) - to educate and prevent illness, and the last one was the body check-up team (checking the primary schoolkids' eye-sight, teeth, weight and height, color blindness, backbones, heart, lung etc) - to identify the condition and needs of the kids.

We worked four full days, the last day the weather was not good and it rained heavily.

Though we were not come from the same work place, most of us cooperated very well and we met the planned schedule.

Thanks for the team members, at night time, they also worked very hard to input the data of the result of the check-up during the day.

Some findings -

1. No running water for the kids' toilets (to wash hands) in the village school.
2. The kids are very skinny and most of them are under weighted P.4 kids are similar to the P.1 kids in the cities.
3. Few kids are fat.
4. Most of the under weighted kids are from the poor families.
5. Many of them have eye-sight and dental problems, as their parents would not take them to have regular check up ( they may not afford it).
6. The people in the village side are very simple and obedient.
7. there are always smiling faces from the kids, I firmly believe that I could not find from the schools in the cities.
8. Always there is the problem of allocation of scarce resources.
9. There are always angels around in our mission group!!

During the trip, we stayed in the Seniors' house, which is a big mansion in front of the mountain, far from the town area (it used to be a school), we ate in the dining room and we had our own private rooms - with lots of mosquitoes; the water was not hot enough and some of the members had cold shower all the time.

Dr Ao also made the time to cook the food for us - delicious food - and last night of the trip, we had barbecue under the cold and rainy night.

I also made the time to ride a bicycle which I had not done for long time. The air was really fresh !!

This is the blog of Yokie who wrote about this trip:

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