
以朗誦形式發表演講 哈佛非裔畢業生爆紅

This Harvard Graduation Speech Is Going Viral


You may have heard some inspiring graduation speeches before, but you've never heard one like this.

Last Wednesday, Donovan Livingston spoke at Harvard's Graduate School of Education. Livingston, who was receiving his master's degree in education, presented a spoken word poem during his speech. A video of his address has gone viral, with more than 11 million views on Facebook.

Livingston, a North Carolina native, used his speech to address issues Black people face in the United States education system. He had entered a competition to speak at the ceremony, The Charlotte Observer explains, and school administrators quickly realized his speech was very different from those of the other competitors.

"I wanted people to understand both the legacy of inequalities in education, and how we often laud education as this thing that is the great equalizer in our society, and it's really not," Livingston told the Observer. "In many ways, some education systems work to reinforce inequalities in the country. Highlighting that was really important to me."

You can read Livingston's remarks on the Harvard Graduate School of Education website, and check out his speech in the above video.


畢業演講可以「悶死人」,但在上周三哈佛教育學院畢業典禮上,非裔學生利文斯頓採取朗誦形式演講,視頻在短短幾日獲得800萬次點擊,超過13萬人轉發,包括民主黨總統選戰參選人希拉妮和小天王Justin Timberlake。

利文斯頓(Donovan Livingston)在中學時想以朗誦形式發表畢業演講,但遭到禁止,現在機會來了,哈佛沒有阻止,遂以口語詩(spoken-word poem)致辭,講述非裔接受教育面臨的歷史性障礙,以及新一代教育工作者如何能夠克服這個仍然存在的問題。






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