
High School classmates

Take the initiative to call my old classmates for the great gathering in January, heard the familiar voices over the phone, it was an exciting moment, as few of them were very surprised of my calls, still our friendships are there!!

Anyway, I spent the whole morning talking over the phones, and got some interesting facts from my friends - some of them I should have known, but I forget.

My conclusion, something in life seems very significant, but as time pass, it is nothing important.

F reminded me that we had 33 classmates, but it seems to me I always keep in touch with no more than 10.

Chi M. told me he was one of the 6 buddies who could not pass the graduation exam, but he worked hard to repeat the last year in night school, now I think he has a successful career.

To be honest, after the graduation exams, everyone was very busy on planning their future, and seldom met.

In addition, a cert is only a cert,  at that moment, it was very important, but now, it doesn't matter, nobody would care how many A's you got in your course work, only NOW IS MATTER!

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