

Holidays is so good, I can do whatever I like and want. I can relax, do a lot of sleeping, catch up the reading, and of course, eat a lot too.

I don't need to go to office, I can call friends or meet with friends, or do nothing. It is my own time.

Used to do a lot of travelling, but now quite enjoy just doing nothing.

Why some people cannot have or enjoy their holidays? Why they still have to work, while most people are enjoying the holidays? Perhaps they are giving up the time to get the money, for certain kind of reasons. We should appreciate of their contribution anyway, so that we can enjoy our holidays with their services

Think about a dead city, while most people have the holidays, all the shops close,we cannot go out shopping or eating in the restaurant.

There is big difference of holidays in the western world (silence and peaceful) and the oriental world (busy and crowded) . Which one do you like better?

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