
Patio da Hera

This was the lane where I have been living for long time, I stayed there until I finished my high school. The lane is next to the Central Police Station No. 1, and we used to be very safe too, for we could call the police easily.

The lane was short, only 4 houses - No. 2, 4, 6 and 8. Each house had two floors. On the left hand side of the alley, we used to plant some flowers to decorate the alley. We lived in house No. 4. The owner lived on first floor, while we stayed on the ground floor. The house was very small for the family, but we had no choice, we were poor.

During that time, we knew very well all the people inside the lane and also the people around. We were old residents there. During the years, except the houses No. 2and No. 4, there used to be many people moving in and out.

The neighbours were very close to each other, we greeted every morning and evening, all our doors were open, we didn't keep secret (we could keep secret??), we even knew what other's dishes were. We helped each other and we might share good food sometimes.

For the house No. 2, I like the uncle and aunt very well, for they were very nice to me. The uncle always offered me rides when he took his kids to school. For the aunt, she would offer me some of her clothes. She knew my mother was very tight on money and would not spend money on clothes. I seldom went to the shop to buy clothes (except Chinese New Year and for my school clothes).

All the uncles and aunts around were the ones who watched the kids grew up, they discussed, they shared experiences, they would proud of the kids, but for the kids who were not obedient, the parents would feel shameful. Most of us were the working class, but the parents always would like the children to receive better education.

With the older generation moving out, as the financial situation improved when the kids grew up, new people moved in.

With the people's habits changed, environment changed, and there is no good maintenance for the old buildings (it may cost a lot as the owners of two houses had passed away, and no people come up to claim the properties), the outlook of the lane was in dead atmosphere. Also, it is not safe anymore to open the door all the time, to let people know when you are at home.

Actually the lane is very close to my parents' present house. However, whenever I pass by, I just feel that the area is totally different now.

Something is really disappearing.

In HK, they say that they need to make the old things alive. How about Macau, we can see some of the old things are disappearing.

Once my father told me some of his old stories, I was thinking.... it is really a history, we, the present generation, if we don't keep it, all of them will be gone.

I encourage my father to write down all of his stories.

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