
College Life

For me, studying from books is only part of the college work, there are so many things for us to learn and to enjoy in our college life.

I appreciated the chance to study in a small college in US - with liberal art education system, I could have a broader view of life and got closer to the professors.

Living campus is a way to explore the life and learn how to communicate, compromise with the others - we are not in our own world.

Professor is also a good sample for us to learn - during my college life, I met many good professors that I think they set good samples for us.

I was amazed that for an old man - he could master very well the computer technologies - he was very "in" and update.

For a foreigner, one professor would spend a year living in China to learn Chinese and the cultural revolution - he studied Mou - and he told me a lot of stories that he learned in person - most of the stories I never heard before, I found myself so ignorance.

I also like the good spirit of one professor - he was the chairman of child development faculty, I took his class because of the requirement under liberal art education.

We didn't have exact curriculum, basically, he guided us to think and discuss - we explored ourselves - defined a topic, and did a research paper, then presented to the class.

It was really fun class - we needed not to study - but did the research and expressed our findings and opinions. We had plenty of chances to talk and share - I still remember one topic of racism - a student frankly told us her own experience in class, before going to Berea, she never met the black people in her life - she was a white American, and she came from a small town.

I liked his class very much - as the classroom was on the ground floor of the Edward building - we could easily see the outside beautiful sceneries. It was the spring time of my junior year - his class was in the mornings - and whenever class started -he would bring his mug with coffee, and entered the room, greeted us and had a good start by saying "what a beautiful morning"

No matter the weather was, with his introduction, I started to appreciate the theory -yes - every moment is good moment - we have so many beautiful things in our life - even though it was raining, it was pretty too.

Another difficult class for me was philosophy - the "senior requirement" - I was puzzled of the theories and I visited the professor several times after class for help. He was nice - he had long hair and he had a cat in his office, when we discussed, he held his cat with him like a toy, it made me just like a friend's talk - I found it so comfortable - and at the end of the semester, my grade was up to my expectation, and I also satisfied with my research paper.

All the details made the college life beautiufl, it was so wonderful!

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