

Macau has become an international city, and once in a while, we have fireworks for celebration.

Also, every year, we have the firework festival - several weekends during September and October, we have firework competitions among different countries' fireworks.

Therefore, the evenings always attract a lot of people as there are a lot of varieties of fireworks which worth to take a look.

I saw few times, but I think the firework in the 10th anniversary handover day was really a magnificent one. It was the most beautiful one I never saw before (only through the photos and TV, as I was out for dinner and missed it).

However, the fireworks in the old good days were also memorable.

I remember my first firework was in October season - in the Portuguese National day. Once, it conincided with our chinese mid-autume festival.

All the kids went out of the house. We took our little stools and found ourselves good places in the open area.

As there were not many high rise buildings, and our living area was in the hill side, we could easily watch the firework - with the autumn seasons ( not hot, not cold, but with a little wind) - it was really a good program after dinner.

It seems to me that the national day firework was the only one during the year.I used to watch the every year firework whenever I had time.

When I grew up, I found out that most of the time, the fireworks were similar. I started to lose the interest.

Then, there was the time when I studied alone in Berea.

I stayed there for my first summer, it was also the national day - July 4, two friends were excited to go out to watch the fireworks - I had nothing to do, thus I joined them to go to the places to see the firework.

It was another experience - we had no car - we needed to walk over there after our early dinner - it was in an open area, kind of far away from campus, but it was a good walk.

All the people were excited of the firework - for me, it was nothing special, but it was the celebration of the American national day. I had the experience of sharing their joys.

The second year, as I stayed off campus, it was not convenience to walk around at night time, I didn't go out for that special activity.

That was my only time to watch the firework in Berea - it also became part of my memories.

Now, I am becoming more lazy, as I don't like to go to the crowded places, I always choose to stay in front of the TV to watch the fireworks.

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