
My First Christmas Break In Berea

The kitchen is for the mother, therefore, I didn't have chance to cook when I was still young, I never entered into my mother's kitchen, all I know was to cook the rice with the rice-cooker.

When I studied abroad, I ate in the student restaurant - "food service", but for Sunday dinner, we had only cold sandwich bag, therefore, I started to cook instant noodles with vegetables and eggs, in order to have a hot meal.

I remember my first Christmas vacation in Berea - this was my real show time to cook - I stayed off campus, for the dorm was close, so did the restaurant.

I needed to buy food from supermarket (it was a long walk), and I cooked my own meals - two times a day, unforgettable Christmas in my life.

At the same time, I also earned some money by working in Boone Tavern during the break.

I was lucky for I helped to house-sit for a nun (church sister) who went for Christmas vacation. One thing was I needed to take a long walk back to the other part of the town to work - according to the work schedule, sometimes, breakfast with lunch shifts, sometimes lunch with dinner shifts.

The house was huge, there was a nice garden and big garage, I had my own room and bathroom. I was also allowed to use her kitchen. I didn't need to pay rent, but in return, I needed to help to feed her dogs and cats.

Snowing, freezing, peaceful, no Christmas presents, no Christmas lights in a quiet small town, I spent that Christmas in a spacious American house and experienced how the beautifully dressed Americans enjoyed their christmas dinners in the restaurant.

Two things I can remember for my first cooking - pork and vegetable soup - delicious, but for the rice - it was terrible, for I didn't know how to cook rice without rice-cooker, it was not well cooked, and I could only have the soup for my first meal in the house.

As time passes, I learned how to cook rice without rice-cooker, and now I can also manage to cook some simple and quick dishes.

I started to like the " Yan can cook" show, yes, if Yan can cook, I can cook too.

I think it is a matter of fresh ingredients and time, with ideas on making the dishes - mix and match, there can be many combinations.

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